So what IS the correct answer to "Do these pants make my butt look big?"

“No, It’s the doughnuts that do that”

<grab at chest>
<slump to ground>
<feeble voice>
Call 911…
<lose conciousness>

Never mind.

The correct answer to that question is ALWAYS “no.” I don’t care if you are waiting for the Fire Department to come with torches to cut away the dressing booth because her fat ass can’t fit through it.

These aren’t the pants you’re looking for.

I would like to state for the record that I have never asked Suburban Plankton if any pants made my butt look big. Nor have I asked, “Does this make me look fat?”

Do women really ask their SO’s these questions? If they do, I’m guessing those types of women only want to hear, “No dear, they make you look perfect.”

I could live to be a thousand and never understand why if the answer was genuinely ‘yes’ that would be a bad thing. The bigger that part of a woman is the better as far as I’m concerned.

And it might sound a little cold, but if a girl I was with ever seriously asked me that question and got mad at however I answered I’d feel pretty bad for her. This question’s always felt to me like a kind of cliche thing where the girl isn’t really offended or upset, she just thinks that she should be. Similar to being in a store with your girl and you’re checking out another girl for a couple seconds, and she gets jealous. It’s never felt genuine to me, and I’ve always just thought ‘I doubt you really give a shit, I’m sure you’re just acting jealous because you think you’re supposed to be’. And I’m not picking on girls, it would work the same in reverse if it was her checking out another guy.

From my learning, women are EXTREMELY sensitive about their weight. I don’t care if a woman weighs 100 pounds soaking wet. If she goes up to 105, she feels like an elephant. So the question is not one designed to elicit an honest response, but one to help ease her insecurity about her weight. She wants you to say “no”. She is not asking for a GQ answer.

But I’m heterosexual!

“it is smaller than it used to be”

“Oh yeah they do! Why do you think I’ve got my coat in my lap right now??”



Assuming that the garment in question genuinely looks less than flattering on her, I think I would answer something like “I think that other pair of pants looks better on you”. Or possibly “That garment really doesn’t do you justice”. Which answers the question honestly, if that’s what is desired, and also serves as a compliment, if that’s what’s desired.

Granted, I’m sure there are still women out there who would find offense at either of those answers. But such a woman would be one I would not be interested in pursuing a relationship with, anyway, so it works out.

The only answer is to find a better girlfriend.

There is only one possible response.

There was a comedian in the early 90’s or so that said he’d tried many answers to the question, “Do I look fat in this?” So far, the worst answer he found was:
“Not as fat as your mother.”

If I like the pants:

“No, they are very flattering!”

If I don’t like the pants:

“What top will you wear with them?” Then, no matter what she says:

“No, that wouldn’t be as good. You need a longer pant leg.”

Disclaimer: I don’t actually know anything about cuts or fits or anything else, but I can fake it convincingly to be distracting.

*If I don’t care about the pants:
“No, not particularly. Do you like them?”

If I am tired of following her around carrying her purse:

“I don’t know. I will at the bookstore when you’re done.”


Why do they ask ‘does this make my butt look big’? You should ask ‘does this make my butt look nice’? A bigger but can be nicer looking than a smaller one.

See above post. Unless women look like a Nazi concentration camp survivor, they feel fat and worthless.

There are two answers.

If you are a man, the unstated question is: am I still desirable/loved by you?

As long as women are judged as worthy of being permitted to draw breath based on their desirability, often translated as thinness, the above will apply. Any time you want to get over your self-congratulatory complacent misunderstanding of this, you go ahead.

'Hell yeah" is a fine answer.

If you are a woman, the answer is, “I think you could do better.”

“Why are you even asking? Don’t we love each other unconditionally?”
