So what's up with my cat's butt?

So lately my cat has been scooting his butt across the carpet. He’s never done this before. After researching on the internet, it seems like it’s probably either worms or impacted anal glands.

I took a look at his backside and I guess everything seems normal, although it was messier than I expected. I guess I don’t really no what normal is tho? I uploaded a pic of his butt so maybe someone here with experience in these things can answer a few questions?

  1. Do his anal glands look impacted? If so, will this likely resolve on it’s own?

  2. Is it normal for there to be so much stool on his anus, or does this indicate a problem?

  3. Could the object in the 7 o’clock position be a tape worm segment?

Here’s the link to pictures of his rear end. (Warning: This shows a kinda poopy cat anus)

Sorry for the overall grossness of this topic, I assure you I’m serious. The problem is I never checked his butt before this so I have no baseline to compare the current situation to. Hoping someone in the vet industry or someone who has been through this problem before can chime in.

As long as his fur and surrounding area are clean, it’s OK as far as cleanliness goes. Some cats are more fastidious than others about getting the little bits in the little crannies. Looks like your cat is a little less fastidious, but doesn’t indicate a problem. Worm segments are white, not brown - that’s poop.

There’s no way to know whether anal glands are having a problem without checking them - from the inside - with a finger. You cannot do this yourself and your veterinarian needs to do it. Scooting is an indication of some sort of issue, anal glands being one. He should have a fecal done, and at least a manual rectal checkup (which usually includes expressing anal glands), to check for parasites and possibly constipation. If the regular physical exam and rectal check are inconclusive, your veterinarian will likely suggest x-rays to rule out other stool issues.

Unless you get ahead of the scooting issue and it is actually a glandular problem, you won’t know until it abscesses and possibly ruptures. You really don’t want that to happen. Get him to a vet.

Thanks for the advice! I didn’t realize the gland problem could go under the radar until it was a much bigger issue. I’m gonna call the vet tomorrow!

My husband calls that The Curlie Shuffle". Not sure why. Could be the cat is constipated and thinks there’s a bit of poop around the edge?

You had me at “hello”.

No seriously, glad you’re taking the kitty to the vet. Let us know what happens!

I tell you what, it looks a lot cleaner than my cat’s butt…

That dot at 7 o’clock is the anal gland. When it looks like that, it is full / impacted and needs to be expressed. What you see is a tiny bit of the material that has hardened on the outside. DO NOT do this at home. You can cause them to rupture. Please see your vet.

Moving to IMHO from MPSIMS, since the OP is seeking opinions.

I also vote taking your kitty to the vet, I have a dog, she had a similar issue and her butt looked like your cats. I assumed it was worms and gave her worming meds, 2 days later her gland had ruptured causing pain, messy carpet, expensive vet trips and a massive amount of guilt for me.

Good luck

I vote Vet also
Please to update.

Ed Robertson of the Barenaked Ladies has/had a TV show called “Ed’s Up”, kind of a clone of “Dirty Jobs” in which he flys his plane to a different city and visits a place where he gets quick training on odd jobs… Anyway one episode has him with a dog groomer or vet and he learns how to express a dogs anal glands, not a pleasant job. Quite a few clips and full episodes can be found on youtube.

I do not recommend doing it yourself and you should take your cat to a vet.

The Curly Shuffle?

That’s what I see too. Vet asap

My (wife’s) cat did that years ago.

The vet said that the long haired cat was overweight and couldn’t groom itself around it’s butthole. He trimmed the hair around the cat’s asshole and suggested that I do the same once a week.

My response, “You know, there never is that perfect time of the day to trim a cat’s butt.”

I said to the wife,“Your cat, your problem.”

I completely misinterpreted his intent the first time I read that.

There’s a similar “Dirty Jobs” episode.

One of my cats “scoots” sometimes, when he has a dingleberry in his anus. I’ve seen dogs do that many times, but never a cat. :o

And I third and fourth “go to the vet”.

So, did she?

Photobucket’s offers to sell this picture to me as a print or a canvas wrap are cracking me up.

It would be great on a mug.

I want the Tee Shirt

have you checked for worms?
try getting in there a bit and see if you can feel anything moving around.