It seems that every gf I have ever had wants a big kiss when she gets a nasty cold. I really don’t want to kiss someone when she’s coughing, sniffling, groaning, etc. I don’t want to have to risk feeling like crap and taking another two weeks away from trying to get back into the gym for a 2 second kiss.
“…but you have a cold.”
“WHAT?!? You don’t want to kiss YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!?”
I try to quarantine myself when I get a cold out of respect for others.
Well, if your at all close, you’ve allready been fully exposed to her cold virus, so you just have to deal with the ick factor.
Maybe only agree to the kiss if you can rub Vic onto her chest later?
Eh - given inccubation periods and the like, by the time she’s symptomatic I’ve already caught the bug, so another kiss ain’t gonna do any more damage.
I /do/ start drinking lots of fluids, upping my vitamic c, etc etc though - I can’t prevent getting it but I can get a head-start on symptom management.
The SO lives 4 1/2 hours away, so we only see each other on weekends. We haven’t had to deal with too many horrid colds, so be pretty much ignore them. When we’re living closer, I agree that by the time you’re symptomatic, you’re probably already exposed to the virus, so unless it’s really icky, we’ll just ignore it.
If I’m really sick, I don’t want anyonre kissing me anyway. A nice footrub, OTOH, would be wonderful.
There was an extensive article in the NYT magazine months ago that talked about what is known about how colds are spread. Studies show that you are less likely to get a cold by swapping spit than by sitting in a room with someone who has a cold. Don’t know why that is, but it’s a fact. So stop treating her like she’s got the plague.
But wait, if you’re kissing the cold-infested person, aren’t you already in the same room? This is making my head hurt (maybe i’m coming down with something).
I agree with porcupine, I don’t like being kissed anyway when I have a cold. Go for the foot massage or back rub!
If you’ve never had a cold with your girlfriend. Give her a long and deeeep tonsil massage and if you get sick, ask her to return the favor. then act exactly the way she did. I’d video tape it for evidence tho.
The common cold is spread via nasal droplets in the air. So just being with her in the same room puts you at risk. If your immune system is good though, there’s every chance you wont get her cold.
So give her a big kiss you meanie!!..just don’t breathe in through your nose as you do it
We don’t change any of our behaviour if one of us is sick (apart from looking after the other one). It is very rare that one of us will ‘give’ the other our sickness. I think in six years of living together we’ve possibly ‘shared’ the same illness once, or twice at the most.
We hug, kiss, share bodily fluids, etc and the healthy one stays healthy. YSicknessMV
As far as proper ettiquette goes, I don’t think Miss Manners addressed this one, so how about discussing the matter with your girlfriend and arriving at a compromise or at least an understanding of each other’s views ?