So your kid goes missing for 3 days...

Don’t worry they were just successful at completing the Game of 72!

I couldn’t find any instances of this occurring in the US, but from the article it sounds like a thing in France.

Basically, hide from everyone for 72 hours and you win!!!

I hope this isn’t really a thing. Seeing as how it’s being reported by the Daily Mail, it probably isn’t. I don’t think most teenagers are this stupid.

As far as dumbass things that teenagers might do go, this one at least poses very little danger to the teenager or others.

Must be a headache for local police.

Might be something for parents to get in on, though.

What do they do for 72 hours? Huff jenkem at a rainbow party?

Joke’s on them – after 48 hours, my teenager’s stuff goes on the curb and the little one upgrades to a bigger bedroom.

They occasionally take a break to smoke some banana peels.

Can you choose which kid goes? Can you extend the time by, say, a few weeks?

Quite rightly!

Been there, done that. Not as a joke though. If I had heard of this game when my kids were teens, a) I know them better than anyone else. b) The rules I would lay down would be enforced. c) My rules in this day and age of cell phones & computers, they could do it safely and any repercussions from school or … would be on them. I would not be one of their problems if they follow my rules.

It’s bound to be a sudden craze.

Until they get home and get their asses whipped. :wink:

Well, if they should ever be kidnapped for real, they might be sorry they cried wolf.

And a frantic enough parent is liable to have a heart attack.

Even the article itself basically admits its bullshit.

There’s a whole genre of this type of “teen craze” articles, that are almost always somewhere between massively overblown or entirely fictional.

Anyone else brain-flashing the Python Olympic Hide and Seek skit?

The chances of a random teenager being kidnapped are incredibly small.

And the chances of a small teenager being kidnapped are incredibly random.

Seems that this sort of article might *give *teenagers ideas.

Aw, c’mon! I raised 3 and was one myself. Never underestimate the stupid stuff the average teen can do! :wink: