Some of my friends are such morons!

Well, at least this one.

The other day, I was driving my friend around and we stopped at an ATM so I could get some cash. In order to save a little time, I leave the engine running and go and get my money, and then turn to go back to my car. And what do I see? Him backing my car out of the parking spot! After physically pulling him out of my car and nearly kicking his ass, he has the fucking balls to tell me to lighten up! Why the fuck should I let him drive my car? He says that he’s driven all of his other friends cars. Well whoop-de-fuckin-doo! That’s their choice and not many of their cars are anything more that pieces of crap that their parents gave them. Not something that they dropped several THOUSAND dollars on! And he doesn’t seem to understand why I got pissed off!

He tells me that I am too uptight with my money and that I should have fun now and worry about things like work and money later. Maybe that is why I was able to buy a car when I was 17 years old while he makes more money than me and has nothing to show for it other that three bounced checks * made out to the place where I fucking work!* Talk about an utter disregard for your friends reputation.

He complains that I don’t go out every night of the week. Apparantly, I’m expected to sever all ties with my family, “now that I’m 19.” Thats the basis of his arguement, I’m 19 and I should be able to do whatever I want. For the most part I can, but I do live at home for free.

Another of his reasons for me to disregard my family is because we have a friend that is only home from college for three months this summer. He doesn’t realize that I am the only one that stays caught up with him while he is gone, via email or IMs.

I swear, sometimes I think he really deserves a good beating. But that would be a little one sided, puny ass wimp that he is.

And why were you calling him a freind?

I completely understand what you are saying. I know this the pit and I should telling you what a fucking prick you are, but I agree with you.

I moved out when I was 17 and have had to work for anything I wanted. But all my “friends” aer taken care of, go to the college of thier choice, and have their parents pay off there credit cards. Then they bitch at me because I can’t afford to got to the movies!!!

PLEASE!!! Pay my rent or something will ya! I’m sorry I have to work when your in town on Spring Break. I can’t take off a week to go to the beach. I’m sorry my car has dents and is 11 years old. Gee, I wish I had your 98 SUV with a phat bass system. BUt no I’ve got my dented up, fender missin’, needs a BAD paint job Lumina.

But hey, my piece of shit can kick your riceburner in a race!

If I hear one more time, “your going to work again!?! You are always at work…” I’m going to back hand someone.

Sorry for having to be an adult while you still play teenager -sheesh-

tubagirl- my sincere sympathies. I, too, live “the life.” I drive a 1985 Volkswagon Jetta borrowed from my stepdad, and have worked more or less continuously since I was 16. I’ve been in college now longer than I can remember, and it’s getting to me BIG TIME. I know what you and the OP mean. Rich, entitled people my own age annoy me by definition. Oh well. As my Mom put it: “At least you’ll always have more character than they do.”

This probably doesn’t mean much to you guys now, but this life you’re currently living will put you in a much better situation later in life. Think of it as paying your dues.

The only problem is that your awareness of idiots and leaches won’t go away. The grubs will always be there.

Count me in as with you too:
I have a friend who’s buying a new car. A new car. In college. At an expensive college no less. With a good bit of money from family. I don’t begrudge her this too much because she is working to make what payments she can, but still. I’m working all summer just to pay my tuition. I work all school year too, but I’m at a college with no surrounding civilization, so the best I can do is a two-day a week campus monkey job. I car’s just flat out of the question. How does this happen? Graaaahhhh.

When I was in college I had a great way for dealing with rich kids who had no concept of money. Just start a weekly poker game, or any other kind of gambling you are good at. The rich kids are usually way too arrogant to admit you are better than them, and will keep coming back week after week. Their parents usually keep the kid’s bank account full, and never notice the extra 100 buck or so a week thats missing.

When my fiance and I get depressed over our financial situation. We lay on the bed starign at the popcorn ceiling talking about once we have real jobs after college, we will look back at this time as our “years of struggle”. I hope it just brings us closer together and more in love.

Then when all those cocksucking, eclipse driving, gap wearing, mommy tit mongers, hit the real world they will start crying over all the struggle they have to deal with. They will be on anti-depressents and on their third marraige. Trying to figure out what went wrong. As they slap there cheap toupee on and get into there mid-life crisis corvette and pick up the hooker they booked for the night.

ahhhhh. I love to struggle. love. -sigh-

When all those cocksucking, eclipse driving, gap wearing, mommy tit mongers hit the real world they will still not appreciate the effort that other people have had to make.

You can take pride in knowing that you got to where you were without the silver spoon stuck up your ass.

They will still be cocksucking, eclipse driving, gap wearing tit mongers.

tubagirl said:

You know, I too used to believe that this would be the case. That one day mommy and daddy wouldn’t be there to buy them stuff, and they’d have to be out there in the cold cruel world alone, and having to do stuff for themselves. I hoped and hoped.

And then I realized that they would never have to deal with reality. When they go to buy a house, their parents will give them their down payment. They won’t have to accumulate it hundred by painful hundred. When they need a new car, mommy and daddy will buy one for them. Whenever something important in life comes up, their parents will run interference for them.

It would be nice to think that someday they’ll be cast adrift, but it never happens. Justice never prevails. Sorry.

Ha! I thought I was the only person with these kinds of friends in college!

Me: I had a small inheritance, enough to pay for books and tuition. Not big enough to also pay for living expenses, but plenty big enough that I didn’t qualify for any grants or loans. My parents had no money (in fact, they were borrowing $$ from me at the time) and I had to work my butt off to pay for a car (a necessity where I went to school), a place to live, and food.

Good friend #1: Deeply in debt because he took out many, many loans to go to Bennington (at the time, the most expensive school in the US), and didn’t think he should have to have a job. Mother paid most of his living expenses, even though she barely had enough $$ to pay her own living expenses. Used to regularly take out his friends to expensive restaurants and put the charge on his Mom’s credit card.

Good friend #2: Parents put him through school 100%. Paid tuition, got him an apartment, gave him food, spending $$, and a car.

Most memorable quote from Friend #1: “Me and (friend #2) are the most independent people I know. We’re not tied to anything or anybody!” I nearly puked when I heard that. Independent, my ass. Without their parents to bale them out, they’d have been shit out of luck. When I pointed out that I was the one putting myself through school and could live without the help of anyone, he said “I didn’t mean financial independence.” Like it’s possible to be “completely independent” when you have to suck up to your parents for the $$ every month…

Most memorable quote from Friend #2: He was studying pretty hard, and I had called him up to see if he wanted to take a break and get a beer. “You just don’t know what it’s like to work hard!” Oh yeah, Mr. Hard Worker. I managed to go to school, work 40 hours a week, and do my studying at nights and on weekends. Don’t tell me about how hard it is to find time to study when you don’t have to work at all.

well the worst (from them)is yet to come.

here’s my story…

I got out of college, started working, my some of my friends just screwed around. My future wife gets out of college, some of her friends just screwed around. Then we get married.

We get shit, just like you’re getting, you’re working too hard, you don’t go out everynight…we keep on course. Them, still living like in college, having major identity crisis’, my life is not going anywhere, still driving what was once a very nice car…

Us, we work hard, rent progressivelly nicer apts, buy a house. Get progressivelly nicer car…now that we are in our mid 20’s, we are starting to take more time off, enjoying the finer things, traveling…still working hard, but suddenly we’re comfortable enough, that we can enjoy life.

what do we get from them…we’re shunned out of jealousy, Mr. and Mrs. thang. get gripes, etc…you pay your dues now or later, we chose to pay our dues earlier, then enjoy life…you got money, you pay, they say…or give us shit for not volunteering to pay a bigger chunk…nevermind that they have been screwing around for 10 years now.

we didn’t give them shit when they were out partying every night, spending, while we were saving…roles are reversed. even though we’re all supposedly more mature now they can’t get over or understand our success and lifestyle.

if they’re going to be childish and petty, fuck-em. we now gravitate towards folks who like us for who we are, not for our financial status.