I’m annoyed, because my slightly inebriated, emotional self is trying to recall some poetic line that said, more or less, that “sometimes, the … mumble can’t remember … is too much.”
Who and what was that? Walt Whitman? TS Elliot? Denise Levertov? Dylan Thomas? James Dickey (probably not the last one, but I’m trying to think of poets I’ve probably read that might have said something like that.) Langston Hughes?
Apparently, sometimes the wine is too much. I really want to remember that line, and I can’t. Help me.
Nope, although I thank you for the attempt. This was a poem, not song lyrics. Don’t get me wrong - both are legitimate forms of artistic expression. But poetry is different. This was a poem, not a song.
(Also, I’m pretty sure it was the sun that was too much, though I’m not 100% sure,)
I feel vaguely like it’s probably Dylan Thomas - either that or some poet too obscure to remember. I need to pull out my one book of his poems and see if I can find it.
Sometimes with one I love I fill myself with rage for fear I effuse unreturn’d love,
But now I think there is no unreturn’d love, the pay is certain one way or another,
(I loved a certain person ardently and my love was not return’d,
Yet out of that I have written these songs.)