So let’s cut to the big question: is Johnny Sack still a dead man walking?
My guess would be, “Yep”.
I think the unuttered order from Carmine to Tony reeked of “if John’s going to jeopardize our business dealings out of something this stupid, he’s got to go”. Plus, they teased us with the near whacking of Ralphie (or, as I like to call him, Joey Pants) who’s become the “love to hate him” co-star, so I think they’ll deliver the ultra-violence on the peripheral character of John.
But here’s a possible wrinkle to it all: What if the freaky-deaky Galeena/DiMaggio gang can’t tell left from right and misunderstood WHO it is they’re supposed to dispatch? The ID picture Silvio showed them had John AND Tony in it.
(P.S. - It was nice to see Pat Neary still gainfully employed.)
That was Al Neri. YOu may be thinking of Pat Geary from GFII who was the Senator.
Additional thoughts:
Is Meadow gonna become a bleedin’ heart ACLU type? THAT would make for some interesting father-daughter conversations.
Is Meadow’s new friend the offspring of SNL’s “Pat”?
Television Without Pity says that the actress playing Ginny Sack is a fan who won a walk-on contest with no prior acting experience. If true, I’m impressed – her scene with Johnny was well-done.
A discussion of zoning law in the Sopranos? Who’da thunkit?
Christopher still gets the best lines. “There’s dysentary in the ranks!”
Anyway, if they hit Johnny Sack – and I think you’re right, they will, given Tony’s observation that the (sanctioned) hit would allow them to deal with a less capable underboss – how will they find out who told Sack about Ralphie’s joke? Paulie’s playing with fire, and it isn’t like this show to let him get away without getting burned.
Dewey, I swear the first time they showed her my hubby could not figure out what s/he was. At all! I kept saying those were manboobs…boy was I wrong.
Anyhoo, again, I found this episode terribly disappointing. I want action, dammit! I want follow-up to the Adriana/FBI and Paulie/Christopher/Russian Rambo situations.
My co-worker thinks Tony’s going to get shot but not killed (case of mistaken identity, of course) and while he’s recovering Camella’s going to sleep with Furio.
I say both Johnny and Ralphie are dead men. Ralphie doesn’t know just how close he came to being whacked, and doesn’t even have a clue.
Those Rhode Island boys were a bit scary, I thought. Almost like .The Godfather meets Deliverance. Tony could easily be shot in a case of mistaken idenity. Those guys weren’t exactly all there.
What is this sudden interest that Carm is showing in Furio? Ever since he arrived, Carm has been polite, but it was clear whose wife she is. Has she forgotten? And why Furio, for gosh sakes? Why not someone outside the circle. She is screwing up. I kept yelling at the screen, but, apparently, she chose to ignore me. Another thing, at the end, was the music really bothering Carm that much, or did it just remind her of Furio? I thought it sounded alot like the music Furio had playing at his housewarming.
The “Pat” isssue. Count me as one who could not tell. Is Meadow doing this just to get a rise out of Tony?
Was it perhaps Silvio who told Johnny about the Ralph remark? He is not too terribly happy with the way things are going right now.
Paulie told Johnny during the last episode.
What I think will happen with Carm/Furio is that Furio’s feelings towards Carmella are more maternal than sexual. Those Italian boys love their mamas. Carm will make a move and Furio will explain, then she goes into depression about being old.
At least that’s what I hope happens. Furio is a great character.
I think when the show is over, Meadow will somehow be involved in the family. Remember, they had a “girl boss” back in Italy. Tony said something already that in another era, Meadow could be boss. She’s tough. I think she’ll get involved in the “do gooder” crowd for a while then something will happen where she’ll get disillusioned and say “to hell with it, I like my toys”.
Anyone catch Ralphie’s remark about how Janice wanted to “stick a dildo up my ass and act like she was pimpin me out” but he wouldn’t let her. If only they knew!
I also get the feeling that the ‘Deliverance’ assassins are going to screw something up big time. Then again, the way the show’s been going lately we’ll probably never see them again.
I think it was Furio’s pretty shirt that got all the girls atwitter.
Seems everyone said how they admired John Gotti and Furio, with his crap English. thought he should dress like a Gaudy John.
“Pat” did announce herself as a lesbian, and the fact that she knows the psychiatrist’s son leads me to believe that Tony and Shrink might someday become in-laws. Wouldn’t that frost her cookies.
And if Ginny Sack was really played by a fan in a walk on part, well - congratulations! She was really very good.
And re OP - is Johnny a walking dead man?
Most likely. But won’t that put Ralphie back on the hit list?
This season better improve and quickly!
I also thought it was pretty damn stupid to give the DiMaggio guys a picture with Tony in it too. You just know that there will be some sort of fuck up there.
Maybe Meadow will get a little “curious” and explore a bit with her new Pat-like friend.
The way that they have been dropping story lines is irritating. You’d think that they’d follow-up with Ad and the FBI.
What I enjoyed is this: last week they had a story about a wife named Karen. That’s my name. This week it was about Ginny. That’s my twin sister’s name. For real. And she’s a bit more “filled out” than I am. Of course, I’m not dead so the coincidence stops there.
As a Rhode Island resident, I didn’t care for those Deliverance style mobsters. Our mobsters are stereotypical Italians just like in Jersey! This is not the back woods. And someone needs to let Uncle Junior know that it’s AtwellS not Atwell Avenue.
Funny you should mention that, Oblong. Hubby and I spent much of yesterday rewatching season two, starting with the episode in which they went to Italy and arranged to have Furio join the Soprano crew.
It doesn’t seem to me that Furio likes Carmella like Carmella likes Furio.
jk1245, I think Ralphie was just doing a little preemptive damage control. He doesn’t know of what Janice is capable.
Just curious if anyone has heard whether or not the Sopranos will last past this season. It seems to me I read an article that the creator David Chase said he hadn’t planned on any more than three seasons.
From what I’m seeing in the first few episodes, Tony is losing control of the “family”. Paulie sucking up to Johny Sac can’t be good. And Silvio seems to be testing the waters of insubordination lately. Add Adriana’s recent Fed troubles and all roads point to a rather ugly conclusion to this season.
Add me to the “Who’s that, it’s Pat” list. I expected her to introduce Meadow to her friend, Terry.
There will for sure be a fifth season. That is supposed to be the last one. Maybe a movie after that.
I think it was the same music, and it was bothering her because it reminded her of Furio: her crush is not so overwhelming that she wants to be thinking of Furio when she’s boffing Tony. Presumably, she remembers the Father Phil debacle, as well as the guy she lured into the powder room (what was his name?) and this time, doesn’t want her feelings to get out of hand.
Now. What was the deal with AJ locking that other kid in the garage? I don’t think I like him any more! And Melfi’s shrink is a pud. “I deliberately provoked some ‘big gorilla’ just to prove that parking garages are not inherently unsafe”? Great! For your next test, why don’t you walk through Bed-Stuy wearing Armani!
According to a NY Times article I read yesterday, the actors are signed through 6 seasons, but Chase is only signed through 5 seasons.
I watched this again last night. Yes, the music was the same. Perhaps she was feeling a little guilty? She does try to be a good Catholic, after all.
I missed last week’s episode. It was Paulie that told Johnny?
AJ is tuning into a little shit. That comment he made to Meadow while at Furio’s housewarming, “I am so bored I could cry”, just didn’t sound like a typical teenage boy. It rather jolted me.
Melfi’s psychiatrist. IMHO, he was lucky that Tony was in a good mood. Where did he get off crowding a pedestrian like that? That type of behaviour makes me walk more slowly and then sit in my car awhile. I wonder if Tony will relate this incident to Melfi.
A few things:
I thought AJ was acting very typically. He is being ignored at home with all of the focus on Meadow.
Did Elliott really deliberately provoke Tony in the garage? I didn’t think so.
And all this talk about Meadow’s new friend – am I crazy, or is she Sask(a), Elliott’s daughter?
The Adriana/FBI storyline will be pursued in next Sunday’s episode–Chase has so many plot threads going that he can’t get to them all in each ep.
Re: Carmella/Furio. It’s pretty obvious she’s got an itich she wants Furio to scratch, but of course that’s just suicidal. I was expecting Carmella to inadvertently shout uot Furio’s name while she was in bed with Tony.
And yeah, I think there’s a going to be a hit attempted on Tony because of the photo, and I also think that Johny is going to get the sack.
Monkeypants, I agree.
I think Elliot was provoking Tony too, crowding him and gunnung his engine.