Just wanted to thank Running Coach for his tireless pursuit of livestreaming spammers. I swear he waits in ambush like a hungry cat waiting for a mouse. Good work Coach. I tried to beat you 2x today but I phaled.
Meanwhile, I don’t remember, does the dope verify email addresses before allowing someone to post? If not, might that not solve part of the weekend spammer pranks.
As far as I know, the signup still involves an email with a link to complete the registration.
Yeah, thanks. While I check for spammers regularly, almost always running coach has reported them before I’ve seen them.
Wouldn’t it be simpler and faster just to make running coach a moderator?
He could be our Special Moderator In Charge Of Spammers, All Forums.
ETA: Other mods get jackboots; this one gets brass knuckles.
Why, he didn’t do anything wrong?
More often than not he beats me to the punch. Did so just today!
I heard that running coach was the inspiration behind this guy.
Hah! I just beat him out on a spam thread in GD. Gotta run faster, coach!!
“Yeah, but I used to report with this hand.”
Are you kidding? I get the reports and by the time I click on them Colibri has already banned the bastard.
He’s scary, man. Scary.
Hummingbirds are pretty fast, but engineer_comp_geek must be a precog. He bans them before they even post.
Hummingbirds are prettier, though.
So you got that going for you.
My image of Running Coach is that of a guy sitting on a motorcycle behind a large billboard, hand on throttle.
We appreciate your vigilance, RC.
My goal is to get at least one or two lines of a conversation before the Mods disappear the thread. running coach was able to reply to one of my jokes today. I took it as a sign, and bought a lottery ticket.
*no money was actually spent on lottery tickets
I beat running coach to one just a little while ago. It was the high point of my day.
For the record, I appreciate all of the jokes and funny comments in spam threads and post reports. It adds some entertainment to an otherwise mundane task.
I think coach is really Chuck Norris. Just saying.
Jonathan Chance, you think this bloodthirsty killer is pretty? Look at the bones!