Speak to me in reasonably accurate quotes

And don’t just say:

“I am to old for this kind of activity.”

“I am the queen of the world.”
And remember to say:

“I’ll be occupying this same position in some time not much later.”
Before you make me to:

“Go ahead and make my weekend.”

I’ll be returning soon


Play something else for a change, Sam

In the year 15 for 1960 minutes

We’ve got 1920 styles of death rays

There’s no place like Burger King.

I did not have sex with that man, Mr. Lewinski.

I have nothing to offer but blood, urine, tears and sweat.

My body does not contain any petroleum products, and threatening me in a way that invokes the cetacea is a questionable tactic at best.

I don’t drink…from winos.

87 years ago our grandfathers decided to tell the British to take a hike and they founded their own country…

We have nothing to fear but fear itself. And Nazis.

I have a bad impression about this.

It belongs on a **mantlepiece **!

Yooouuu shaaaallll noooot paaaass withouuuut paaaaaying the toooooll !

Adama: What’s going on, Starbuck?

Starbuck: Just a little mild precipitation, Sir.

Adama: Arm yourself and secure the livestock, just in case.