Speaking Of Folks In Need...

You may remember this bit from my My Wife Is Pregnant, And The Baby Isn’t Mine… thread:

Well, it seems that one of those families is in the news. The parents are from Georgia, but the surrogate mother lives in Sacramento. So biological mom and dad, as well as their two teens, all went to California for the birth last month. And that’s where they’ve been since then – living in a trailer in the hospital parking lot.

Trouble is, three of the quads are about to be released. Great news, except the fourth will be in the NICU for awhile yet. So it’s going to be mom, dad, two teens and three newborns living in a trailer in a parking lot. Not the best of situations.

So, they’re looking to get the family back to Georgia. Problem is, the three newborns will still need quite a bit of medical attention, and also can’t fly commercial. The hospital is donating the equipment and personnel for them to make the flight – all they need now is a private jet. But hey, the flight would only run…errr…$130,000.

So, while donations to that end would be nice, what I’m doing here is spreading around a link to a raffle one of the surrogacy message board members has set up. The woman is an artist, and is raffling off a custom portrait – five bucks a shot to help gets these kids home. If you’d like to help out, that’d be very much appreciated.

Oh yeah, the family also needs to get home so they can rebuild, since there’s also the small matter of their home being hit by a tornado. Ummm, s’cuse me, Fate? Wanna back the hell off from these folks a bit?
Posted with mod permission, of course. Thanks folks!

I’m poor, but thise deserves a bump for more to see it.