Spoil the Crossing Jordan Finale for Me?

I missed the last fifteen minutes of last night’s show, thanks to a barfy baby. The last thing I saw was when the door opened to reveal the little girl, safe and playing with her toys. Can someone please tell me what happened thereafter? Did they find the mom’s killer? And did they reveal what the papers were that Max wanted Jordan to sign?

[spoiler]It turns out there was never a “Steve Rhodes”. It was Sarah, disguising herself as a guy to get a job on the fishing boat. The captain discovered this and got hugely pissed off. He threw her across the galley and her head got accidentally impaled on that hook - so he put her in the freezer and ditched her at sea. After the boat got back, Flynn was going to go to the police, so the captain had to off him as well.

The papers were the deed to the bar. Max is going walkabout, to find himself.[/spoiler]

Thanks, Neidhart. I knew that guy seemed squirrelly. And not surprising about Max – I expected as much.