Spongebob's "Electric Zoo"

Does the piece of music known as “Electric Zoo” in Spongebob Square pants Episode “Krab Borg” have a “real” name? That is, is it ultimately already avialible to buy on CD, or hopefully for 99 cent Download?

You know, the one where Bob and Squidward think Mr.Krabs is a Robot. Krabs has a pocket/Tranistor Radio and the radio only plays ““Electric Zoo””.

I checked allmusic.com and the two spongebob soundtracks (one for the movie, one for the show) - it doesn’t appear that it’s for sale, or on the net.
p.s. beep boop bop bop beep

I just wanted to state that the techno beat played during the jellyfishing are taking over SPSP’s house episode and Gary bangs his eyeballs together in a beat to lead the jellyfish out is just a rockin’ little tune.
Carry on.

It is a catchy beat, but it disturbs me that the dolphins keep shouting their “sentence enhancers” during the song! :smiley:

Yes, However I have Heard ““Jellyfish Jam”” In other places. I think its “stock” ‘house’ music. You know, the stuff they play at basketball games.

-Why Kernkraft400 [Zombie Nation] is used (abused and therefore chepened) for every Braves Home victory still escapes me. I used to love that piece… before it went mainstream.

Never thought about that. I guess they rolled eels a tad too many times over Escelators.

Dr.Ken, Beep Boop bop bop beep? Not beep boop boop bop? :wink:

A good chunk of SpongeBob’s music is production music from stock music libraries. In this case, the song is a piece of production music meant to imitate the actual song Get Ready 4 This. I’m guessing the song in question is production music, too, but that’s just a hypothesis. You know, the one that goes bee boop boop beep. Boop boop beep beep?

Considering the Spongebob episode in question actually credits the song in the title credits, I don’t think this is the case.

Ah, I didn’t know that. I do know that SpongeBob has used original music at times, and it is usually credited in the opening when provided by an outside source (Pantera in “Pre-Hibernation Week” and Weem in “Your Shoe’s Untied” come to mind. Beep boop boop beep?