Stand up and be counted!


Fuck, Fucken, Foutre…

Who’d have thought a counting thread would be so instructive?

Are there any counting songs that go up?

Kiss Off, by the Violent Femmes.


cul de lac – French for ‘milky ass’.
Now, imagine what cul de sac means… :smiley:

1,2,3,4, Come on baby say you love me, 5,6,7 times. 8,9,10,11…
(Gloria Estefan, I think)

And of course there’s the old Sesame Street song: one two three FOUR FIVE six seven eight NINE TEN eleven TWELVE

oh yeah, and i’ll be…867-5309


oops, sly already has 8575309!

just call me 666

crap, that was supposed to be 8675309


Another lovely Spanish jewel… pendejo meaning that ickle annoying piece of poo that gets stuck in the bum hair…

It’s amazing what you learn at uni :smiley:
and one of the first things my students want to learn - all the cuss words…

h, known to its friends as 6.626*10[sup]-34[/sup].

From the Latin, irrumator, the (as it were) beneficiary, rather than the active performer, of a certain sex act. (Think Bill, rather than Monica).


Culero: spanish, I guess you could translate it to mean asshole