Star Wars, episode 3 trailer...not...

I swear, this kid is going to be in therapy for years…

  1. Do not fool around in front of the school cameras.
  2. Do not leave said tape of you fooling around in the camera after you leave.
  3. Do not allow geeks with computers a chance to edit your record of you fooling around.
  4. Do not allow said edited file to be distributed to other geeks…

Seriously, best laugh I’ve had in weeks…


That’s funny as hell!

That was great…

You have no idea how good it felt to watch that on a Monday morning…
All I could think about is how much I can’t stand this job… and then I see that kid running around like an ass… and suddenly… things really just don’t seem as bad…


Damb the laughter was hard to suppress. Just what I needed on a drab damp Monday morning.

poor kid. . .

That kid managed to be more entertaining than Episodes 1 and 2 put together. If Lucas doesn’t grab him for the next movie, he will have made a horrible mistake.
I would feel sorry for him if it weren’t so funny.

The original, long version (before the special effects were added):

If you laughed at the one with the effects… you may piss in your pants during this one!!!

Wow, that full version is amazing. It’s like a Cabbage Patch Kid version of Darth Maul…

I hope whoever did the special effects version does an extended version using all of the footage. Maybe with a digitally inserted background? :smiley:

Hands down, that’s the funnist thing I’ve seen in a long, long times ago.

AAAAAARGH! I don’t do windows! Is there any place with ANY other format available?

Or is it worth buying a Dell just to see this?

The edited version is PRICELESS! That poor kid, he’s going to be made fun of for YEARS over this. But I’d say he asked for it!

I think we may have found the solution to adolescent obesity.


My god! IT’s hypnotic!

The full length one is the funniest.

It’s like he is fighting off a huge swarm of killer bes or something.

I think I like it so much because, really now, who hasn’t done something like that before? I know I have, I just didn’t have a camera to tell me how ridiculous I looked. It’s the small thing like that I’m thankful for.



No kidding, EP. I think either video would sum up my childhood pretty well…

Childhood…? Heck I still do that.
In fact, that’s how I broke my knuckle!

The thing is, in the original, he’s actually pretty good the first few times. The remix used the last attempt, which is clumsier because he’s tired himself out.

From the website:

George Lucas has crossed the last line…
into a Star Wars “Reality” series!