Star Wars question, with spoiler.

Luke Skywalker has his father’s light saber. His father is of course Darth Vader.
If it is Vader’s saber, how was it acquired? Did Obi Wan take it when he dismembered Vader and left him to burn to death?

In the trivia section for Star Wars III - Revenge of the Sith, it states that Obi-Wan picks up Anakin’s lightsaber. I confess I don’t remember it though.

Yeah, I remember him picking it up after de-limbing Anakin. I noticed it specifically because I recalled Obi-Wan giving it to Luke.

Watch ROTS again-especially the epic duel. Obi-Wan does indeed pick up Anakin’s lightsaber.

(Or wait-haven’t you seen Revenge of the Sith? Because it’s the BEST of the prequels-and that IS saying a lot. Especially the fight scene.)

Okay, if you don’t mind being spoiled, HERE is the duel on YouTube. If you skip to around 7:17 or so, you can see Obi-Wan pick up Anakin’s lightsaber.

(But I’d watch the whole thing-it ROCKS. It’s probably THE best fight in SW history)

Yes, I have.

I wouldn’t agree with that. :slight_smile:
Thanks, all.

Thanks again. Obi Wan is an asshole, though. And why balance precariously on that pipe when all you have to do is jump down to a platform? :slight_smile:

Although even that part causes a problem. Because remember what Obi Wan sez when he gives the light saber to Luke… “This was your father’s light saber… he wanted you to have it when you were old enough.”.

Ummm okay A) Anakin didn’t even know he had a son, apparently. b) even if he HAD, there’s nothing we see in Anakin’s personality even BEFORE he falls that sounds like "Boy, if anything ever happens to me I want you to make sure my children get trained in the Force… and c) ultimately Anakin didn’t even want OBI-WAN to have it, much less hold onto it for some appointed task.

Obi Wan was obviously lying. I presume he took it in case Vader could use it against him with one arm. :rolleyes: He kept it because you can’t leave that sort of thing lying around.

He took it because it was blue. Sith are only allowed to have red lightsabers.

The sad thing is that’s probably the most correct reason.

Well, I’m sure if Anakin HADN’T fallen to the dark side and if he KNEW he had a son in those circumstances he CERTAINLY would have loved them as much as he loved Padme, so it totally is true… from a certain point of view.

Either way, I still love how Obi-Wan acts like “omg your father’s lightsaber” is a big deal. I mean seriously, it’s not like it was anything special that Anakin was particularly attached to, I’m pretty sure Anakin could have walked into any corner drugstore on Coruscant and just said “Yeah, I have some chips, chewy candy, oh, and a lightsaber please, I’m about to leave on a mission.”

Yeah, it really puts a damper on Sith infiltration and assassination too. “Dude! They knew how to use the force and had a lightsaber, they could have been a Jedi, why did you kill them!?”

“Uh… their lightsaber was red?”

“Oh, good call then.”

(:smack: And reading that over, I might as well complete the dialogue I accidentally ripped off…
“Lightsabers, color coded for your convenience!”)


No, lightsabers have never been commonly sold. You need to be able to use the Force in order to wield one without killing yourself.

Solution: Anakin did not feel that way at all, but Obi-Wan wanted Luke to think that he did. People do lie sometimes.

I think Jragon was being facetious, and does have a bit of a point. Anakin went through lightsabers pretty quickly. He had at least two (one got cut in half in the Geonosis robot factory), used a spare on Geonosis after Yoda’s army arrived, and using Obi-Wan’s during the battle with Dooku makes four. He may well have lost more during his off-screen adventures, too. Although building a lightsaber is supposed to be a test of a Jedi’s skill and an extension of their person, it’s likely by the end Anakin had no more attachment to his saber than I have to a screwdriver.

Traditionally, I believe, Jedi are supposed to build their own lightsabres, and require the use of The Force to complete some of the fiddly bits, hence their general exclusive association with Jedi Knights.

Not sure how much of that idea was fanboy and EU speculation, and how much has since been made canon.

Speaking of the robot factory, am I the only one who mentally rescored that scene with Raymond Scott’s Powerhouse?

As far as I know, only the focusing crystal is difficult to acquire, being located only on some hard-to-reach places or planets. The rest is just regular parts.

I kinda find the whole scene where Obi-Wan and Luke talk about the Clone Wars and Anakin’s lightsaber in ANH to be hard to reconcile with the prequel trilogy, honestly. Not so much factually, but just in the tone and feeling. Obi-Wan makes it sound like it was a long time ago, when the galaxy was a much different place, and Jedi were far more mysterious. Some of the Moff’s comments back that up to (“You’re all that’s left of their religion” and the general disbelief in the Force). Yeah, I know that its a galaxy of gazillions of people, but with so many Jedi running around in the prequels, being very forthcoming about their powers and generally seeming quite famous, it’s hard to imagine that they’d be utterly forgotten about and treated as myth in 20 years.

“Gonna have to see some I.D. for the lightsaber.”

Outside the store
“Hey, you’re a Jedi- right? Yeah, I’m a Jedi too. But I lost my I.D. in . . . a flood. I was just thinking if you’re gonna go into this store, maybe I could give you some money and you could buy a lightsaber for me, maybe?”

“Oh, no problem. I lost my wife too. Name wasn’t ‘Idee’ though. And it wasn’t in a flood.”

This bugs me in regard to the prequels, but it doesn’t even really make sense in the context of the movie itself, since Vader clearly makes a habit out of choking people to death with telekenesis. What exactly do they think is going on? And like you say, the Jedi were a vastly important quasi-governmental, extremely active group within the adult life of anyone old enough to be an officer on the Death Star.

Thankfully they pretty much drop that after the first fifteen minutes of the first movie. Nobody in Jabba’s palace seems to have any trouble believing in Jedi.

But yeah, one of my least favorite things about the prequels (and there are many) is that they take away the mystery of what the Old Republic was like. Obi-Wan’s brief, wistful statement at the beginning of Star Wars was a lot more effective than three crappy movies.