This is my 12-year-old son, our resident StarCraft expert, replying:
Odd that Mom would show me a post on my favorite game of all time. Anyway, I suppose I’d better answer your question.
Well, it would be pretty helpful if I knew which species you were playing, and which one the computer was. I’ll assume you were playing Terran, since you mention that you’ve only played the Terran campaign. I’m also going to assume you’re playing vanilla, which means regular SC, not Brood War.
First off, I can assure you that the computer DOES NOT cheat. It operates under the same conditions you do, e.g. four peons (workers, resource gatherers) and a resource gathering building. In fact, the A.I. makes it amazingly stupid and easily exploitable.
Basic Tips:
- WORKERS! WORKERS! Say it with me. WORKERS! I cannot stress this enough. SCVs are your top priority, actually. More resources means more units means winning.
- What map you play. This is actually very important; most strategies work best on maps like “The Lost Temple”. This is under the ladder folder. Play it. Love it. Live it. /exaggeration
- Build orders. Although it’s taken me months to master the basics, I’ll try to be simple (wish me luck). When I say “at 8” or “when you have 8” or some other number, I refer to your supply count.
At 8 supply, send one SCV to your choke, or ramp. Build a Supply Depot. Your goal is to build something called a “wallin”. You will use one or two Depots and a Barracks to “wall yourself in” and protect yourself from melee troops. Although this is important, SCVs, again, take priority. Don’t queue them up, though. You should only have 1 queued up at maximum.
At this point, what build order you use depends on the species you’re facing. I could type all night if I went into that.
4. Macro. Macro refers to your ability to use your economy. You should have multiple production facilities about 10 minutes into the game, assuming your economy can support it. It also means you should be building supply providers (Depots for Terran) before that &(%&$ annoying voice tells you that you need more. Lastly, keep your money down. If you have more than 1,000 minerals at any time, you are doing something wrong.
5. Expanding. This mostly depends on the build order. However, expanding is an important part of the game. Your resources will eventually run out at your first base (your “main”). If you don’t have another source, quit then, since you have lost. Although it’s difficult to make a blanket statement about when to expand, with Terran, you generally should have about 12 marines and medics or 3-4 tanks before doing so. (This depends on whether you’re using infantry or “metal”, which refers to units produced from Factories.) However, numerous strategies rely on expanding quickly. I’d advise lots and lots of practice.
6. AI Exploits. The AI is amazingly stupid. Have fun screwing with it when you get better. Without fail, the computer will ALWAYS rush (which is an early attack, usually within the first seven minutes). If you turtle (build a lot of defense, which you usually shouldn’t do) and tech to a unit like Battlecruisers, you should win. Don’t do this against people, though; they will easily outsmart you.
It’s hard to explain StarCraft in a single post. Well, I’d recommend and the StarCraft: Brood War board on to learn more. Most people there are infinitely more knowledgeable than I am.
OK, this is Merejane again. I have no idea what my son said, but I hope and trust it will be helpful!