Stark Expo Presents: The "Iron Man 2" Trailer

The obvious solution is to make Iron Man 1 & 2, then Avengers 1 & 2. Or they could just send me a copy of the script for Iron Man 3, so I can point out anything blatantly stupid.

Who cares?

He’s got Maguffin-driven power whips!

And yet on the IMDb page for Iron Man 2, and on the Wikipedia page, Mickey Rourke’s character name is listed as Ivan Vanko/Whiplash, not Omega Red.

Mmm, double my redhead fun.

Looks like Terence Howard got shafted. Aaah well, I like Cheadle better anyway.

Mickey Rourke with a dye job and a heart problem?

Didn’t I see this movie already?

Me, too. They should have cast him in the first one!

Black Widow looks amazing, but I’m going to reserve judgment 'til we hear her speak. Wish the trailer had featured more than a blip of Sam Rockwell (Justin Hammer). Amazing cast.

My only fear is that it looks a tad campy. Not that I hate camp, especially in superhero comic adaptations, and I’m sure some of it is just Tony Stark being Tony Stark, but too many zingers can ruin a flick. And Rourke looks a bit Battlefield Earth-ish.

Oh hell it’s going to kick so much ass. Can’t wait.

This. Minus a story (assuming that it continues the tradition of the first movie) and adding camp, I sense a stinker. You can have humor if you also have some characterization and story. Then it’s okay. But, without…you’ve got a problem.

Fair enough. Both Russian both use cybernetic tentacles :wink:

In my experience, it’s not about the number of zingers, but their quality and the strength of the actor delivering them. RDJ’s got the latter covered, no question, and the trailer gives me great hope that the dialogue will be witty/hilarious rather than campy.

“You complete me!”

Wait wait, let me get this straight. Cat Fight is afraid it will be a tad campy?

Darling, it’s an Iron Man movie it won’t be a TAD campy.

The first one was pure distilled awesomeness, and if the second one is better

(Note: I do not read Iron Man comics, so I was judging it entirely on it as a movie. And Iron Man was a great movie.)

I loved the first one. The second looks sweet, if filled with an awful lot of T&A. I don’t object, exactly, but it seems over the top.

ETA: Between this and the upcoming SHerlock Holmes movie with Law and Downey I may just die of bliss.

For those who couldn’t get to the trailer on Apple or YouTube, here it is at Trailer Addict.

The first one is a Good Action Movie. I know this because I watched it on a tiny screen on the back of the airplane seat in front of me and still enjoyed it terribly. Robert Downey Jr. always delivers. Sometimes he delivers drugs, okay, but he always delivers. I’m all for seeing the second one all proper.

I think this is just to emphasise that Tony Stark (or, at any rate, his public persona) is a Douchebag, in ways that the typical orange-tanned, spikey-haired, collar-popping, 'roid-chomping denizens of could only aspire to.

Surprisingly, given his in-you-face rich-asshole act, Downey’s Stark is still likeable, even loveable, which is more than can be said for the usual comic version. Man, I hate comic-Tony-Stark so much.

The one thing the trailer is missing is a Crowning Moment of Awesome. The trailer for Iron Man, you remember, ended with the duel with the tank:

Tank fires
Iron Man dodges shell
Returns fire with a dinky little rocket
Turns away as tank explodes
Cue Black Sabbath
Theater erupts with cheers

Well rumor has it Howard shafted himself on this one by being a diva. Cheadle is much more awesome, I agree.

Scarlett is looking great, I’m hoping for more Scarlett and less Gweneth in this one. She annoys me so bad.

I hope RDJ did ad-lib some lines like in the last one. His spontaneous humor kills me.

I think the end of the trailer with War Machine and Iron Man together fighting some other suited up things kind of fills the CMA quota.

This trailer has at least three:

  1. “I have successfully privatized world peace.”
  2. Iron Man’s pyrotechnics-powered arrival at Stark Expo
  3. Iron Man + War Machine Battle the Giant Robots

Nah. Those are good bits, but they just don’t peg my “Awesome” meter. Hopefully the movie will.