Stark Expo Presents: The "Iron Man 2" Trailer

The fights should be amazing. I don’t think Tony Stark has a staple gun in his arsenal.

  1. Iron Man flying through what I assume is an overpass, dodging bullets and having cars blow the hell up.
    I’m happy a lot of the suit seems to be featured. The first one didn’t have enough full suit Iron Man for my tastes…this one does.

Law and Downey? Is that Dick Wolf’s new police procedural?

You’re a very bad person. I just spent a minute visualizing a Law and Order spin-off with the team composed of people with Down Syndrome.

"Hello! I’m Detective Petey and this is Detective Karen … "

But there’s campy, say, X-Men Origins: Wolverine (beefcake shots, silly lines) and then there’s campy Fantastic Four (horrible acting, plotholes). I’m hoping it’s not the latter. Except I hope Tony has to do a lot of half-naked welding.

It’s funny, b/c Gwyneth usually affects me like my cats when my wife applies nail polish, but in the first movie I was shocked at her hotness.

This is where Downey really makes the movie (at least the first one). Tony Stark as a character is not likable. He’s a flawed dick. But its hard to pull off a movie with a hero who isn’t the least bit likeable.

Downey somehow manages to keep the douchebag, but make him a charming, likeable douchebag.

He makes a better Tony Stark than the writers at Marvel ever pulled off.

During that movie was the first time in my life that I said, “I wish I were him.”

Exactly. He manages to make being a douchebag forgivable, as in “You know, if I had buckets of money, power, fame, brilliance and legions of hot women falling all over me, I’d be a douche too. I’ll give him a pass.”

Was it when the dancing pole came out on the plane? :wink:

I have only one thing to say about this trailer:


He’s been my favorite Iron Man character since the cartoon. Never read the comics, but the cartoon was awesome. As is Gweneth Paltrow’s attractiveness.

Been a fan of hers since I saw Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.:smiley:

Ha, I thought both Wolverine and Fantastic Four were horrible movies. Really the quality difference is infinitesimal. I hope Iron Man 2 will be better than either of those. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that Iron Man 1 was a GOOD movie, it wasn’t, in fact its plot was passable at best, but it was fun nonetheless. I would watch it again, whereas I doubt I’ll watch Wolverine of FF again. Very few comic book movies do what The Dark Night or X-Men 1 and 2 did.

I never liked Gwyneth Paltrow until Iron Man, but indeed she’s hot in Iron Man.

And in Sky Captain.

The problem, and I’ve said this before, is that she keeps getting cast in roles that require a much more spirited performance than she seems willing to give. That’s a great scene in the trailer, when Tony asks for a kiss and she plants one on the helmet. I don’t know the character from the comics, but it just seems like his assistant should be someone who can survive all of his crap and can give it back to him in spades. The role in Sky Captain was the same way, it should be cocky, but Paltrow never rose above pensive. Maybe this time will be different, but she could have sold that kiss better.

Except she is supposed to be staid and reserved, which is part of why Tony likes her. She’s basically Moneypenny.

It would be ironic if she finally grew a spine for a role that wasn’t supposed to have one.

Also ironic is that her mom used to be great in those spirited, confident kinds of roles.

Agreed. The Iron Man trailer was like pure distilled awesome with a dash of super badass for good measure.

The Iron Man 2 trailer is good and the movie looks great, but it was not pure distilled awesome.

I think you are mistaking being spunky and sarcastic with having a spine. I think this role is one of her strongest characters. She’s much better in staid roles IMO.

Like the guy from Belfast said when I watched the first one, “Fockin’ class!”