Has the political structure- as in how you gain and stay in power- of the Communist Party changed significantly since the 1970s? No
I’m afraid it has. If you can’t see the difference between the Chinese political climate of the 1960’s and 1970’s and the Chinese political climate in 2010, then you’re either blind or stupid. Why don’t you read a book written by Sidney Shapiro, Israel Epstein, or Sidney Rittenberg and then compare the China they describe to the China of right now.
*Have Internet controls increased? Yes. Significantly so. The latest hit to Internet freedom is that they are requiring all cybercafe users to register with their ID cards. QQ, China’s most popular instant messaging service, requires you to register with a real ID card. Right now there are talks about requiring popular message boards to collect identifying information on their users. I will grant you that after a year without Internet, they finally let Xinjiang get connected again. Excuse me for not hailing their commitment to free speech. *
How awful. Now we might actually know who those fenqing Internet vigilantes are.
That’s right- government scientists have come to my school to tell my students that they are a different fucking species than the rest of the planet.
Bullshit. Yes, I’m calling bullshit on that one. The only proof of this is your word, nothing else. Can you even speak enough Chinese to understand what these people said, if this even happened?
But yeah, it’s all western media lies that are turning the current batch of college students are so blindly nationalist that my students had never even heard of the events in Tienanmen Square in 1989. All those Western media lies!
Oh yeah, that classic bloody shirt :rolleyes: China bashers will never get sick of waving that one, will you? As if China was the only country in the world to have ever done anything like that. By the by, there must be something wrong with your students, because plenty of mine know about it. Hell, one of them was even shocked that I knew about it.
But no, it isn’t anything about Tiananmen that are turning your students into nationalists…it’s just Western lies about Tibet and Xinjiang mostly, which are out of control and blatant. I tend to get defensive and jump down the throats of people who accuse Americans of being racists and warmongers who destroyed Iraq, I’m not surprised Chinese people do the same to people like you who accuse them of being racists who detroyed Tibet. When you insult people and treat them arrogantly they tend to get angry. This is common sense.
*I only accuse you of being a paid Internet shill because China actually does pay Internet shills to hang out on message boards posting nationalist comments. *
Or, perhaps, because you and so many others just can’t accept the fact that someone might actually…I dunno…not think China is all that bad? If you think I’m getting paid for anything I say then you’re a complete idiot. I wish I was!
I have nothing against Chinese people or Chinese culture. I wish them the best.
You know, you keep saying this, even sven…you keep saying “I have nothing against the Chinese people,” but then you turn around and call them racists, or you infer that they’re turning into bitter nationalists, or that they’re stupid enough to believe dumb propaganda. It’s like saying, “I have nothing against Mexicans! I wish them well…they’re just lazy and they come here illegally.” Your backhanded “I wish them well” (after typing out a laundry list of things you don’t like about them) speak pretty loudly about your true feelings for them.
I was trying to remember a single post of yours where you actually said something good about China, but I couldn’t recall a single one. I feel sorry that your prejudice about this country prevented you from seeing it for how it really is.