Steven Universe: Intriguing beyond belief

In yesterday’s episode they actually show Ruby and Sapphire making out. Not only (possibly) the first yuri in an American cartoon but quite possibly the first romantic relationship displayed in an American cartoon!

Oops forgot about Greg and Rose.

This show about lesbian space rocks is possibly one of the most emotionally realistic depictions of relationships I’ve ever seen.

Great episode, loved when Greg walked in the room and saw Sapphire on the bed and asked Steven tiredly “oh boy, where is the other one?”:smiley: Greg must have helped deal with Garnet’s relationship problems before.

Not having cable is driving me crazy!

And I do have a Hulu subscription, but only one TV in our apartment works for it, so I can’t just hole myself up and watch cartoons without probably damaging my relationship even more than “wants to sit all day and watch lesbian space rocks” already does…

So, important question: What exactly was that on that sandwich that Steven was making himself? It looked like:
Toasted bagel
Fried egg
cream cheese?
Some kind of fish?
If lox or similar, delicious. If tuna or similar, not so much.
With a side of limited edition extreme BBQ chips (attempted)

Cookie Cat, he left his family behind!!!

Johnny, it looked like lox or gravlax to me, with cream cheese and a fried egg.

I am shocked I haven’t posted in this thread yet. SU is my favorite show on television. Even the filler episodes aren’t truly filler, and every character is interesting. How many shows can say that?

Plus, non-binary lesbian space rocks are pretty darn cool.

So, Steven bomb three is over, and Periodot has lost a foot- I’m fairly certain that means she is not a gem projection like the others, perhaps a cyborg? Gem powers, mechanical body? More importantly, she said that Earth has an expiration date, and she didn’t want to find out when it was. I’m seeing a major new plot arc there.

The Enigma of Amigara Fault, which is a classic well known horror manga. It’s short and worth a read, and the show was almost certainly invoking it. (BTW, the bubbles read right to left)

I have to guess some of the gem seeds may have hit the planet’s core…

I think Peridot is actually a Ruby or Sapphire sized gem, and her arms and legs are a kind of suit to assist her in her work as a sort of gem tech technician.

Watch how surprised she is at her powers, she has never seen combat and is just learning how to use the offensive capabilities of the suit.

A weird thing Lapis told Steven Homeworld has vastly changed, everything was different and worse and she felt lost like an outsider. Considering what Homeworld was like 6K years ago this must be a hell of a feat!

Weirdly in the early eps like Sea Spire one the gems seem to be wistfully nostalgic for Homeworld and the past gem society on earth, Pearl especially.:dubious:

Oh did anyone else in the beginning think the warp pads were taking them to different planets? Like old gem colonies or something, I was shocked to learn it was all earth!

Grude, I thought the warp pads were to other planets at first as well. It’s weird to think how different Earth must be in the Steven Universe world. Of course, in at least one episode there’s a shot of Earth from space and it seems like Florida is totally gone, so there’s even more different than just old Gem sites scattered around.

New ones this week and next two at least: Nightmare Hospital (aired 9/10), Sadie’s Song (to air 9/17), and Catch and Release (9/24).

I am wondering if there is any meaning to the fact that Steven, who is of the same gem as Rose (as well as human) and who has so many of her other attributes (from healing, to shielding, to causing so many to say “Just let me do this for you!”) does not at all use Rose’s sword: Connie does.

I think that is because they are meant to fuse and maybe stay fused as Stevvonie, the Connie half uses the sword and Steven uses his shield and other powers.

Yeah seems like that is the way it will go but isn’t that the cart pulling the horse?

Just noticed something funny-
In “Bubble Buddies” Lars makes fun of Steven, who is trapped in his bubble with Connie,
by asking “Is this your Looove bubble? Did you make it because you’re in Loove?”
Time has shown that the answer to those questions are Yes and Yes.

Also, a thought question- the Gems seem to have a militaristic, martial culture. So who do they fight?

Yes this show holds up on review big time, there are a couple times we see Garnet having two gems like to open her room, Centipeede when accidentally released assumes a humanoid shape first. There are other examples of later developments making sense.

The gems are still withholding info from Steven, so I assume Homeworld’s enemies will be revealed. Remember how reluctant they were to admit the monsters are corrupted gems.

What the heck is Homeworld or Peridot intending to accomplish with the cluster experiment? They obviously have no military value and pose no real threat, mindless bodies that grope people, maybe trying to beg for help or death?

“We’re evil because we can create creepy monsters.” :smiley:

The last episode was kind of boring, Steven was acting out of character and it was entirely concerned with character development between Sadie and her mom.

And Steven in a dress and makeup, I hope the show isn’t starting to pander to the adult fans online that think it is some pioneering grand statement on erasing gender/sexuality boundaries. I like the laid back mood of the show and how the gems all being “female” is just a fact and not even commented on, and the metaphors are not so much on the point(forced fusion for example).

A sort of sweet ep to me, that at first glance seems like a throw-away, off arc and main character development line. But in this show I still wonder if something is being foreshadowed.

We all suspect that Rose had some special ambition for what Steven would become, what with him being her gem hybridized with human. Is her ambition for him going to made more clear and is this foreshadowing his eventual pushing back against it?

But maybe not.

As to Johnny Ecks’ question, I had pictured them as an expanding empire, conquering and plundering planets in multiple directions, none of which were any real match to their powers. Not as them having a single major foe.

And I see the clusters as experiments trying to develop techniques to fuse fragments into functional war monsters, so far experiments that have failed, since so far the only brain to harvest has come from that Abby Normal gem.

I imagine that the goal is to give something like “gem powers” to the humans. They knew the homeworld would come for them eventually, and just the four of them wouldn’t be able to put up much of a fight, but breeding the ability to do gem stuff into the humans will allow them to defend themselves.

And we’ve seen that Human-gem hybrids have some advantages over full-blooded gems – they can walk through forcefields and are immune to that gem destabilizing wand.

I figure they’d encountered planets with life before, but never intelligent life, so previous gem takeovers of worlds to turn them into gem incubators were environmental disasters, but not “wars”. Rose was unique in seeing that humans were “people” like themselves and that killing them was different from killing animals.