Announced tonight. News blip hereand you’ll be able to watch the episodes tomorrow, but it’s called “The March to Restore Sanity” and on his show Jon was in front of a crudely drawn banner reading “Take it Down a Notch”.
I would LOVE to attend this one, but I doubt I’ll be able to, plus I’m not overly fond of mobs. I wonder how they’ll do in number of participants as compared to Glenn Beck.
We originally started it to get Colbert to hold a rally as an anti-tea party rally and as challenge to Glenn Beck. From what the fellow supporters say, I think the real turnout will be people joining Colbert.
The Restoring Truthiness Page is where we’ve been collecting donations for Colbert’s pet project “Donor’s Choose” which funds classroom projects all around the country. If you can’t be there at the rally, please give some money to help students.
Last night’s The Daily Show episode. The announcement is in the first few minutes after he begins an article about the Pope’s visit to England and before Bill Clinton. I particularly love the signs.