Still releasing PS One games?

Surely not, right? I just thought I saw the latest FIFA advertised with the psone logo. If production has ceased for the original Playstation, then when did this happen? What was the last game released?

Italian Job?
I remember a year, probably two years ago an article in Playstation magazine about “The Last PsOne Game” and it was a game based on (IIRC) the original Iralian Job movie.

FIFA Soccer 2005 was the last “official” PSone game released on October 12, 2004. The Italian Job came out on May 6, 2002.

Maybe a few budget shovelware titles were released after that, but I doubt it.

And the reason you saw a PSone logo on a FIFA 06 ad is because Sony has decided to take the PSone logo and make it the official “PlayStation Family” logo meaning it could stand for PSone, PS2, PS2 or the PSP.

The only reason I can account for this change is that the PS2 logo (those stylized block letters) is UGLY. The PSP uses the same style of letters.

Don’t PlayStation advertisements nowadays open with a brief shot of the stylized “PS” logo and end with the blue PS2 logo? PSone ads ended with the “PS” logo being constructed and a funny voice saying “PlayStation!”

But before that, there was


(pronounced “you are not ready”)