Stop calling me QUIET!!

My cousin got married yesterday and the whole bridal party, besides myself, was siblings of the groom. Two of which I’d met before.

With half of them from out of town, there was much reminiscing and updates. And I, having never met these people before, was quite naturally unable to join in.

Now, having been pretty much left out of the conversation has given them the impression that I am terribly shy. And whenever I WAS able to say anything, I’d get a response such as, “Wow. That’s the most I’ve heard Megan say all day!” Or I would get the ever so popular, “Stop making so much noise over there!”

Then, just after talking about how frustrating this was becoming, I had to stand up at the head-table to be introduced, and how does he start it off? With “Megan may be a little quiet…” of course.


I’m sorry, what?

(couldn’t resist)

Meg, you aren’t quiet. What i have noticed is that you’re polite. People often can’t deal with that and turn it into some kind of vice, especially if they are drunk.

I like polite.

It’s okay Meg: we know better.

They can think what they like, but you come here and make enough noise to make up for it ;). Don’t worry…it’s probably the only time you’ll meet most of those people. Just keep posting on the boards and everything will be fine.