Straight Dope Message Board Appreciation Thread

Thank you all. i’ll jump that bandwagon anyday…

as for me… i found the board after reading Cecil in the Reader, and happened to see the Threadspotting link to the thread that memorialized wally.

I was drawn in by the community coming together for one of its members. And i stayed for the BEER.

i also get too busy to post regularly sometimes, averaging about .5 a day, with some periods of complete inactivity and some periods of talking myself silly, but all in all

Thanks everybody, from Cecil, Ed, the admins, the mods, the old guard, the upstarts, the lurkers, the trolls, the monkey butlers, and everybody else for making this a valuable part of my day, just about every single day for the past two plus years.


I have to be awake in 5 hours to start a whole new day. Am I sleeping? No. I’m perusing the Straight Dope.

What does that say? (Aside from the fact that I have no self-control or life…)
It says that the SDMB rocks, plain and simple.

I’ve been lurking here for almost a month now after being dragged in by another member.

Wow, it’s great to read this board. A real sense of community and real information sharing. I’m very happy to have found this corner of the internet. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: