"Strange Dreams" That Turn Out To Be True - Would You Lend Me An Ear And Believe Everything I Say?

The scenario:

So, what do I do? Should I set up an interview with popular news media, alert them and try to prove that something big is going to happen in 2015? I show them that I’ve won the lottery and adamantly tell the world that I saw the numbers clearly and accurately in my dream.

Would you therefore believe me when I talk about the last few scenes of my dream and try to warn you? Or would you think I’m crazy…crazy but lucky? Or would you just think it a coincidence and take no notice of my apocalyptic warnings…?


Are you writing a book?

I wish, chap, I wish… :frowning:


Assuming the scenario were real. If you could document your predictions and successes you might be able to get a book deal and some talk show appearances. Although two predictions is not a huge track record, especially since one of them you initiated yourself, unless Eleanor looks exactly like she did in the dream. Some people would take you seriously, most won’t. Without more details about the disaster, there doesn’t seem to be much way to prevent it. All you can do is your best. If we can assume there is some element of fate involved, then it makes sense to also assume that the money you won is supposed to be used to help avert the disaster, and that unless fate is a cryptic dick, you will receive further instruction.

Waitaminnit… You actually won the Euro Lottery big jackpot? You’re a millionaire?

Why the hell are you asking us? Hire an actual public relations research firm! Why rely on the opinion of strangers on the internet when you can afford real experts?

Anyway, I says coincidence, but, yeah, it would make a good book.

You are lucky & crazy.

The romantic partner you’ve never met sounds like a symbol for a desirable situation you have never experienced before in waking life. The lotto win may reflect how lucky you feel about something that has happened to you. The ending of the dream sounds like you may be fearing your success or good fortune. Fearing everything blowing up in your face. I’d give dreambible.com a shot for the rest of the dreams symbols. Might get some really good insights.

I would tend not to believe or at least be skeptical, great story by the way true or not. I have one dream I never talk about because no one would believe me anyway.

No, I wouldn’t believe you. Nobody else will, either.

Luckily for you, you now have upwards of a hundred million Pounds, so you can make sure you’re living far away from London by 2015.

Which of the winners listed in this article are you?:

2015? Isn’t that the year when Elizabeth II becomes the longest-reigning Brit monarch? Someone is celebrating way too hard.

Of course fate is a cryptic dick. I’ve read enough SF and listened to enough Black Sabbath to realize that if you try to prevent a future disaster you’ll wind up being the cause of it.

Oh, and I wouldn’t believe the OP. I’d assume he’s crazy and/or a liar who’s just making up the dream.

  1. Many people have claimed to predict:
  • the end of the World
  • assassinations of world leaders
  • a massive rise in the Stock Market
  • a massive drop in the Stock Market


So your prediction is a bit small (especially compared to the end of the World.)

  1. Many people have claimed to predict lottery numbers after the event.

Gosh (even I can do that.)

They usually want me to give them money.

  1. I would confidently assume that your central London prediction is:
  • a way to publicise your forthcoimng book
  • the start of a publicity campaign for a reboot of ‘The War of the Worlds’, set in the UK
  • a scam

I’m guessing bored.

Any given set of lottery numbers (in a fair draw) has the same odds as any other given set, so whether your winning set came from a dream, a random number generator, or numerologically from your childhood pets’ names is irrelevant.

Stalking and seducing a young lady based upon your dreaming her name is a reprehensible act, although I must admit I know several happy couples who met through even more absurd circumstances.

Yeah no, you didn’t win 160 million Euros. Didn’t happen. Since you made that part up, it seems likely that you made up the other parts as well.

You left out the part about using the lottery money to develop a gravity-beam projector to rain rocks from the asteroid belt on London to prove to the world you really would destroy it unless all the governments came together to pay you ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

If I lend you an ear I won’t be able to hear half of what you say.

Anonymous, obviously.