Strange little thing Otto cued me to on the IMDB actors.

In this thread **Otto ** noticed Fred Astair is the first person entered in the IMDB names table. Here are the first 25. It is an interesting list with a few surprises. Belushi, Delerue & Goldsmith seem a little out of place with the other 22 legends. This invites conjecture and a small game. The game is below.

Fred Astaire - IMDb Fred Astaire
Lauren Bacall - IMDb Lauren Bacall
Brigitte Bardot - IMDb Brigitte Bardot
John Belushi - IMDb John Belushi :smiley:
Ingmar Bergman - IMDb Ingmar Bergman Ingrid Bergman
Humphrey Bogart - IMDb Humphrey Bogart Marlon Brando
Richard Burton - IMDb Richard Burton
James Cagney - IMDb James Cagney
Gary Cooper - IMDb Gary Cooper
Bette Davis - IMDb Bette Davis
Doris Day - IMDb Doris Day
Olivia de Havilland - IMDb Olivia de Havilland
James Dean - IMDb James Dean
Georges Delerue - IMDb Georges Delerue (I never heard of him?)
Marlene Dietrich - IMDb Marlene Dietrich
Kirk Douglas - IMDb Kirk Douglas
Federico Fellini - IMDb Federico Fellini
Henry Fonda - IMDb Henry Fonda
Joan Fontaine - IMDb Joan Fontaine
Clark Gable - IMDb Clark Gable Judy Garland
John Gielgud - IMDb John Gielgud Jerry Goldsmith (scored Star Trek Movies of course and much else)

Find the name that matches your SDMB username number.

I am user 53243 which matches the unknown: Jim Barbarino.
Ed Zotti matches to Ingrid Bergman
**Who is your match? **


I didn’t get anyone good. :confused:

where do you get your number?

Olivia Hughes

Never heard of her.

Funny that the first two responses have the same last name though.

Hmm I think I did that wrong. I did the post # instead of member #. Eh, like that’s any better.

Actually your user # is 546. That is Matthew Modine, Matthew Modine - IMDb

Pretty good.

percussion, I clikc on your username and choose View Public Profile and find in the address bar you are userid=16111. When I unch that into the IMDB link I generate**16111**/ You get someone boring like mine, Raja Ahmad Alauddin.


I got John W. Adams. Who the heck is he?

By Og that stunk, too many typos. Now corrected.

I get Helge Andersson, who by a strange coinkidink is Swedish like me.

My number is the same as Martine Badgley who made one film, Dancing on the Moon.

Mine’s pretty obscure too.

I got Adrien Brody. Do I get to kiss Halle Berry?

Optionally you could find your movie: Mine is a forgettable Three Stooges film: Sappy Bull Fighters (Short 1959) - IMDb or Sappy Bullfighters (1959)
It is notable only for being their final short.

Any wags on how they assigned actors to there numbers? It obviously was not a completely random entry.

Gadarene, nice one!

Bor-ring! Ram Avron. One entry. Never heard of him.

Ah! But my movie is…Boniface somnambule? Son of a bitch.

Oh, I didn’t know we could do movies. Here’s mine: Muß man sich gleich scheiden lassen?

Hm. I got Martina Alberti, who appears to have been a porn actress in one movie.

My film is a lost German film from 1919 called The Blue Boy or *Emerald in Death. My actor is Senor Acuaviva, who starred in only one film in 1929.

Damn you Daniel Alegi!

My movie kicks all kinds of ass. [url=[Dreams of a Rarebit Fiend. Sweet ass.