struuter, take my hand...

…and let me lead you onto the floor. The music winds seductively around the two of us. The floor is crowded, but we’re all alone. You’re filling my senses. My eyes are locked on yours. My arms wind around the soft curve of your back. My nostrils are filled with the soft floral scent of your hair. The music knits a curtain of velvet intimacy about us.

This is our first date.

Later, I will take your hand as we walk through the caressing rain, and I will hold you close to warm you. After that, who knows…

Never. Never before have I been swept off my feet.

There is a quiet safety in your enveloping arms; time slows and I find myself lost in the warmth of your embrace. I want to say something, but I can say nothing. No words can express how you make me feel at this moment.

You want to stroll in the caressing mists? I would go anywhere with you. I’m a captive, a joyful captive to your desires.

My heart hammers in anticipation. I’m giddy from delight that struuter, my heart’s greatest yearning, is here with me, smiling up at my face, whispering just for me, and me only. I lower my head to catch a quiet comment, and the sight of your long, graceful neck makes me catch my breath. If only I had the courage to lean over a plant a slow, lingering kiss there…but it is our first date.

I can hardly speak, you’ve robbed me of my voice. Stolen my strength. My small statements are only whispers and I find myself lulled by the melody of your laughter.

You give this to me, this generous attention, this kind interest…I can’t allow myself to think you’re being anything more than gratious. But your head bows so close to mine, I can’t think. Your breath is hot and urgent against the column of my neck, but I can’t lean into you. I mustn’t. I can’t tangle my hands in your hair and satisfy this ache to feel your lips touch me.

It is our first day, after all.

[sub]sniff I hope you two are very happy together.
::walks off the stage, dejected::[/sub]

iampunha, will you go on a date with me?

How tempted am I to start another thread titled, “Struuter, take my dick…”?

Alas, stargazer, it was not meant to be . . . I am betrothed (married, in fact) online to Palmyra.

Offline I am also taken. But it was a beautiful thought and I thank you for thinking of me.



::Canned laughter::

Thank you, ladies and germs, I’m Henny Youngman, and I’ll be here all week!

OK…couldn’t resist. Back to your regularly scheduled “mash thread.” (Thanks, Cheffie!) :slight_smile:

Thanks, Ogre. Allow me to be the first to snarf on my keyboard :smiley:

…(no offense to any self-confessed clowns out there, of course.) :smiley:

And thanks, Dire Wolf. Just doing my job. Just doing my job.


My hands tremble leading you back to the table. I want to talk to you all night…about everything and about nothing, but I’m afraid that as soon as I open my mouth, I’ll say something ridiculous and drive you away forever. I don’t think I could take that. I’m sure that you can feel my palm tremble in yours: the feeling running up my entire body can only be described as electric. I want to wrap my arms around you, pick you up, and carry you off with me, but such an action would be uncouth…barbaric even, far below the standards of such a creature of perfection as yourself.

First things first. iampunha, that was sweet. You know you’ll always be my first virtual love. But you’re an old virtual married man now. So you know how I felt when you rushed off and got virtually married. But, we’ll always have high school.


What? Don’t you want it anymore?

Now, for you Ogre…

At the table you are all of gentle conversation and light caresses, butI glimpse a lurking hunger in those eyes that sets a pang of apprehension rolling in my belly. I am afraid. Not afraid of what those eyes promise…afraid that I am only seeing what my own longing desires. You smile, you lick your lips, my heart stops. And I am in danger of it only beating for you.

Sorry I didn’t post today. I was out of town on a trip for my job. I shall try to do better.

iampunha - Sorry about the “clown” thing. No offense intended, I promise. I was not aware of your history with struuter.

Speaking of which, you should probably not read any further than this line. :slight_smile:

struuter, I want to find an excuse to touch you across the table, any excuse, just so I can feel that jolt of…I don’t know…passion, excitement, anticipation. It’s intoxicating and harrowing at the same time. I lean forward, looking for a reason to touch your hand. I look outside. It’s raining…a soft, shifting curtain of cool, clear promises. An idea crosses my mind, which at first, I reject out of hand, but which seems more plausible by the moment.

Finally, I place my open hand on yours, nod toward the high picture window across the room, and ask, with a grin, “Would you like to take a walk?”

I can’t help but smile; your mischievous grin is infectious. My hand shifts under yours and I feel for the first time my skin moving against you. The color rises in my face.
As you lead me out into the refreshing shower, the droplets tickle my up-turned face. I pray the rain will cool it and take some of the color away. I’m afraid of what you would think of me–when just holding your hand does this to me.
Strolling casually beside you, I can’t help but notice how the rain trickles down the plane of your cheek to your jaw. And I have to look away because the urge to lean into your body and taste that rain from the strong line of your jaw is nearly killing me.

The rain plasters your hair to your forehead. It’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. I look down, and I have to catch my breath. I hadn’t considered just what the rain would do to your dress. You are all soft curves and alluring shadows, the cloth clings to your body in the most enchanting way. On a sudden impulse, I slide my hand behind your head and gently turn you toward me in the soft mist…

…is there where you start to masturbate to obtain the meaningless sex you need to cure that pervasive cynicism which was so thoroughly discussed in another thread?

<click> Clean up on Aisle One. </click>

Curiouser and curiouser…

I thought you two were friends? Was there a fall-out over the whole lottery thing?

<walks in wearing cop outfit>

Hey, errrrr…you guys are gonna have to move along now. I don’t want these gratuitous PDA’s on my beat. Unless…well, <cough> I might be able to make an exception, <cough>, if I were…persuaded <cough, holds out hand> correctly…

Wow, J. You look nice in that uniform. :smiley:

You also just made my morning. Thanks for the smile. I have a feeling I’m going to need it today.

Fulfilling my Rites of the Inner Circle, punkass. Go bury your super_head in a snowbank or sumfin’. Oh, hey. Kat and I decided not to go to Asheville this weekend. We’re going over to Savannah instead.

Actually, struuter, we’re very good friends. But we harass each other mercilessly, as only close friends can. I shall give myself the leisure to beat him senseless over his impertinence upon our next meeting. :slight_smile:

Damn, Jester, that expensive restaurant wiped me out. Howsabout an IOU?