Inspired by this thread (which, of course, was itself inspired by another thread – is there any original thinking anymore? ), I propose we look at the glass that’s half full.
To me, one of the most delightful things about being an adult is doing the things I enjoy, whether or not I’m particularly good at them.
Exhibit one for me is definitely tap-dancing. Back in 1988, on a whim, I took my first tap class. I’ve been at it non-stop ever since. (Well, yeah, the broken ankle has me on hiatus now, but you know what I mean.) I really lack any real natural aptitude for it – but I’ve been in the advanced class for years, because at this point my feet know how to do all kinds of incredibly cool things that my head doesn’t control. There’s certain stuff I can’t do, or that I fake most of the time (wings, full over-the-tops), and I’m never going to have a performance career, but it is so much fun, I enjoy the hell out of it, and I plan to keep tapping till I’m in a wheelchair.
I have a really good eye for art, but can’t really draw all that well, so I express my visual creativity in other ways: my garden is gorgeous; I design my own needlepoint projects; and I’m a talented photographer, on a totally amateur basis.
Speaking of needlepoint – I took it up because it’s the one kind of needlework where my inability to keep stitches the same size is taken care of for me.
Enough dumping on ourselves, gang! What do you do for your own enjoyment? How do you work around your own limitations to express yourself, creatively or otherwise?
Bird taxidermy. I’m not that great at, I just think it’s fun. Occasionally I’ll get something to look decent but not usually. The house abounds with crappily-stuffed birds.
Well, yeah - just 'cause I suck at certain things doesn’t stop me from doing them.
Like the painting thing. I know I’m no good, but every once in a while, I’ll give it a try anyway. My MIL gave me some acrylics and I had a good time messing around with colors and shapes. I’m probably an abstract art genius!!
Same deal with decorating - I may not have a very good eye, but I still like doing things around the house - painting, sewing, accessorizing. I’ll never be on HGTV, but I still have fun.
I did try out for a dance troupe once - a folk-dance group years ago. It could have been fun, but the guy in charge was an ass. His wife was one of the best dancers there, but he was verbally abusive. I don’t know why she took it, but I didn’t. After 3 weeks, I quit. Oh well…
Who said you’ve got to excel at something to do it? I’ll wallow in mediocrity if it makes me happy. It’s not like I need to do these things to pay the bills.
I find it depends on if there are one or two people involved. I am awesome when I am by myself.
I have decided I am going to venture in to quilting. I am sure the first few will not look so pretty-- I do however, plan on getting good enought at it to make a beautiful one for my bed.
I like trying to write, but apparently I’m horrible at it. I’ll still do it though in the hopes of getting a little better. You people will suffer through some of my bad short stories until then.
I’ve always had a knack for climbing extremely well. I’d love to climb a mountain one day or something.
I try different things all the time, like musical instruments and painting but I quickly give up if I don’t show immediate promise. Once it becomes work, I’m not interested anymore.
I’m naturally talented at drawing but it doesn’t bring me any pleasure.
I do a lot of things so-so. Yep, I’m one of those “lazy” people who really don’t want to invest the time and energy in perfection. Perfection is so over rated anyway. Personally, I really don’t care that the stitches on things I sew aren’t completely straight, or that the average person doesn’t understand the paintings I do–hey, the colors are pretty.
I can’t tell a joke to save my life, but I sure as heck can laugh like a maniac at hearing one. I’m not stressing out over it though, 'cause my friends all know that I’ll either forget the punchline, or have to back up to give important information. However, we all have a good time, so at least I’m amusing in a sense. (They’re laughing WITH me, not AT me…)
I like to cook, and although I’ll never win any cooking awards or have my own television show, I’ve never killed anyone, or given anyone food poisoning.
I love to knit although I am not great. I’m just finishing my first sweater and there are little holes in about 10 places from dropped stitches. Maybe someday it’ll be something I love to do that I’m great at. I’ll keep at it.
Writing. I haven’t written anything worth showing anyone since sophomore year of high school (and if you ask, I will show you the short story “Adolphus” and perhaps even force you to read it ALL), and yet I persist in hammering out unfinished stories and Rather Bad Poetry. But I’m perfectly happy while writing, and that’s what counts.
Ballroom dancing. Okay, maybe I’ve only been dancing for three weeks, but I love it already and just need to track down a steady pattner to help me figure out that pesky left turn.
Playing the clarinet and saxophone. I love doing it, but I’ll definitely never be a professional and will probably never play outside of city band, but if that’s enough for me to enjoy, why do more?
And, finally, painting. I’m okay with acrylics, but my waterclors are mostly amorphous blobs, which I grandly refer to as “severely Impressionist, in a postmodern kind of way.”
I taught myself to read so that I could play Bach. I’m basically a decent self taught rock guitarist, never had any classical tuition, or in fact any tuition come to that.
Should have learned as a kid, but back then I only wanted to play Chuck Berry songs and you sure don’t read dots to do that. [wild-tangent] I think it’s hilarious that anyone would need a ‘Chuck Berry songbook’ if you can’t figure out a 12 bar by ear you have serious deficiencies as a musician. [/wild-tangent]
After years my reading is still lousy but it means that I can play all sorts of stuff well enough to entertain myself without having to work it out by ear and memorize it.
Riding a motorcycle and playing the cello. I like doing both, but I think I need more practice. I was really good at the cello once but have forgotten a lot. Riding I enjoy a lot but I am a newbie at it, so I gather it will take time to really enjoy it.
Chess. I love the game. I’ll play it for hours. But I can’t think ahead. Occasionally I make a good move but most of the time I’m just trying for an immediate result. I get beaten (heh I Get SLAUGHTERED) by anyone that knows what the heck they are doing.
Playing guitar. It kills me when I go into a music store and some 14 year old kid is wailing away like Eddie Van Halen. But who cares. I like everything about guitars.
Golf. I love to swing the club and drive the car. I just wish I had my own golf course because the people behind me are very snooty and huffy puffy about the game and I hate to be rushed.
I also love to sing- I think I sound good- Im pretty sure I’m not that great but I sing with feeling and great bravado.