Stuff that should be rebooted

Of these listed here, I think Sliders would be the best. I enjoyed the original, until they got rid of the Professor.

Ethilrist makes a good point about the Dresden Files, however.

Pábitel also has a good idea. Bring back some of the early B&W detectives.

I agree that The Dresden Files needs a reboot. Love the books, hated the series. They took too many liberties with the source material, and I disliked the lead actor.

Reboot Hellraiser. The original still holds up, but the acting and FX were poor. I’d like to see an exploration of Pinhead’s dimension and its dark god Leviathan. Minimize or get rid of the original murder plot. Make the Cenobites morally ambiguous explorers, who only take those who come to them (more or less) willingly.

IIRC, he lived in an apartment building and asked his neighbors. All anyone ever saw were the cat and the papers.

So, basically film the comics? I could get behind that. (It’s been ages since I’ve read The Hellbound Heart, so I don’t remember how much of that is from the story.)

There’s a new show starting soon called God Friended Me that’s basically an updated Early Edition.

I want this too. ScyFye did a Flash Gordon show in 2007 but evidently it was bad and nobody liked it. I haven’t seen it so I couldn’t tell you how much I don’t like it myself.

Boots. Re-boot them.

Das Boot, die Serie?

How about Hullabaloo? Or Laugh In? I think they had good boots. Go-go-good boots.

The Love Boot, The Next Generation?

Love boat…IN SPACE!

I’d watch at least one episode of that.

Failed at Tom Cruise, too.

Early Edition or Joan of Arcadia? Discuss.

There are other, similar shows, like Kevin (Probably) Saves the World.

That sounds more like Touched By An Angel. Also, anything that tries to convince an atheist that God exists can bugger off.

Agree. Add to these Raffles (The Amateur Cracksman), and I think it’s about time for a Perry Mason re-boot. There was a series of movies in the 30s starring Warren William that showed a very different character from the one on TV by Raymond Burr. Few or no courtroom scenes, for one thing. I’ve never read the books, but those movies were pretty fun.

There basically is a current reboot of Small Wonder. The dad hasn’t fucked the pseudo-daughter yet, but there’s always season 2.

Still need to have Firefly up and running again. There’s a rumor, so I’m cautiously optimistic.

Seconding (thirding?) Sliders and Quantum Leap.

A few more of the alternate reality/dystopian future shows should be considered as well.
Twilight Zone
Metal Hurlant Chronicles

More traditionally,
Defiance would be good with a few minor tweaks.
Leverage could pretty much pick up right where it left off with a one or two episode job that pulls everyone back together.

It’s as though Nickelodeon has no clue how to push the gritty envelope through the grit of modern television.

Why? it wasn’t a very good TV show. Now, it was quite good if you could binge watch the episodes in the right order. But as far as broadcast TV, it wasnt that good.And netflix is just wrong for it. However, note that Nathan is quite busy.

They tried Twilight zone, and failed.

They tried to reboot the Twilight Zone twice and it failed.

The Twilight Zone is a show that has a passionate fanbase but its apparently not big enough to sustain an ongoing show.