Stupid liberal idea of the day

He knows he’s going to be called names. It’s a preemptive strike.

I didn’t look at nearly the whole thread, but in only 5 minutes I found the following posts from myself that were attempts to actually engage with you in reasonable and non-insulting debate, but you consistently refused to try and actually have a discussion with me:

Why is that? You’re always complaining about folks insulting you and making brainless posts, but many of us have tried to reasonably and respectfully engage with you, and yet you ignore us.

Because the narrative is that we’re all a bunch of idiots who don’t know what we’re talking about and continuously insult him.

When the reality is that he ignores productive conversation, throws as many or more insults as he gets, often preemptively, and can’t provide any actual proof of his accusations of stupidity on the liberal side.

Not exactly adult behavior.

As I said to one former martial arts instructor who was oh-so-proud of his designation as “master”; “It’s too bad you can’t master yourself before you try to master others.” (That guy was an asshole and a poor instructor who repeatedly injured his students.)

That’s what happens when one relies on so much fake news. Kudos to running coach for finding them.

After all this, somebody should say something nice about Clothy. Really, somebody should.

He knows how to spell and put sentences together?

His lawn looks great!

We only have a photograph and his word that’s his lawn.

I’m name calling because he’s a fucking troll who, in a decade and a half, I’ve not seen try to have an honest discussion even one time. He acts shitty and then accuses other people of being immature for also being shitty.

You can ride the logic train up his dickhole and he’ll just keep acting stupid and agrieved. How many years has this stupid fucking thread been open? Everyone needs to just block him and eventually he’ll find somewhere else to publicly shit himself.

Best I can do.

Someone’s lawn looks great!

Clothy doesn’t have benign intentions.

No-one said the nice thing should be truthful. But let’s try an honest one: his mind is as sharp and his taunt cuts like a shaving brush.

Based on that Wiki link that writer Foster seems quite a libtard - and C likes his books :confused: How did that happen, was it some kind of TL;DR after the first chapter when bad guys were still having upper hand and the turtle wasn’t yet revealed to be senile ?

From this thread

sings two out of three ain’t bad.sings

Well, one out of three…

We’re pretty sure he doesn’t have a green shell. Clashes with the camo belt.

See Clothy? This is how it’s done.
A true Liberal Stupid Idea

So why is it you miss the real stuff?


I’m not sure that’s a stupid idea. We would rule out a lot of whack jobs. Can we extend the same sanity tests to congressmen and senators? Cabinet members?

It has a stupid name. Half-point.