Stupid Political Idea of the Day

This is for you, random citizen, yes…you. You know who you are. No need to raise your hand or make a statement like those other Democrats and Republicans in the other two threads. You know who you are, where you stand, why you stand there, and who you stand with politically…which is probably nobody if you’re in this thread. Why? Because you’re that man or woman who has pulled their head out of their butt and chosen to be informed, and being informed you’ve ultimately realized just how few politicians there are whom you can truly trust.

You’re that crunchy guy or gal who suddenly woke up and went, “Hey! I have a brain! By golly, I’m going to actually use it!” and did so. Give yourself a pat on the back, and then contribute to this thread dedicated solely to you and your outrage over the latest stupid political idea (or action) of the day that probably nobody else is paying attention to because they’re too busy calling the opposing Party a pooh-head or something childish like that.

Government is game, politicians are the players, and ‘we the people’ are the unfortunate pons. …You understand this. So here’s to you for getting it and fleeing your angry pon-hehind off the game board. This is your thread.

And remember, in the words of Mikey - “Goonies never say die.” …<— that literally makes no sense and is completely irrelevant to this thread but I thought it sounded good. Hey…I do what I want.

Ready. Set. Go. :cool:

Sorry did not read. I can only assume you’re here to pit yourself for your obnoxious use of green text.

Meh, something is on TV.

Miss Spaulding, if you think your political idea is stupid, why did you post it here?

Why are so many people annoyed by my green text? It’s a habit I picked up years ago when I first started posting on online forums. …Deal with it. lol

I had a fleeting thought the OP was too long for the shorter attention spans on here.

Where’s the grapist when we really need him?

We have a short attention span? You started a thread on ‘stupid political ideas’ and lost your train of thought before even putting up a stupid political idea.

The fact you have had an annoying habit for years doesn’t make it any less obnoxious. When in Rome…

If you contributed anything of value people might be able to look past your obnoxious quirks judge you based on other factors, but in your time here so far you’ve added nothing of value.

I guess the green text does make it easier to skip past your meaningless contributions to threads so keep it up.

This post has been grayed by the grayist.

The grayist would be handy when one side in a debate gets a little too “black and white,” and needs to be reminded that morality often comes in shades of gray.

Miss Spaulding, this Pitting’s for you.

Well that’s ten seconds of my life I’m never getting back.

Honestly, the OP could have been two paragraphs shorter if she’d just called us all “sheeple” and left it at that.

Fuck’s a “pon”?

There are already two perfectly serviceable, long-running threads on this topic, and you can’t even be bothered to make an initial contribution to your own thread. So what’s the need for this one, again?

Also, what the fuck is a ‘pon’? Were you trying to say ‘pawn’? I bet you are one of those people who thinks your car has ‘breaks’, aren’t you?

I’m not your fucking dancing monkey. Piss off.

Whose fucking dancing monkey are you? And do you fuck before or after the dancing? :confused:

Goddammit, I guess I owe elucidator $5.00.

You had a fleeting thought about short attention spans… :smack:

So long, Miss Spaulding; We hardly…

Oh, hey, is it time for another bacon thread in the Cafe?

Excellent advice.


OK, here’s one: appealing to people’s insecurities by telling them they’re smart if they subscribe to the notion that both Democrats and Republicans are stupid.

It allows cynical parties to move the Overton window by pretending to espouse totally wacko shit, claiming the other side says wacko shit, but ‘both sides do it! Amirite?’ and making your (actual) very biased position seem centrist.

People like you, who cherish themselves for not liking either Democrats or Republicans, are manipulated into the new ‘center.’ And because of the Dunning-Kruger effect, can look ‘down’ on the people who tricked you into going there.

There. There’s your stupid political idea of the day.

I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their font, but by the content of their post.
