Stupid "thumbs up" smiley on forum display page?

There’s a “thumbs up” smiley that displays on the main forums listing page next to Bosda’s ad in Marketplace. It’s directly to the left of his thread title. Note that I’m not talking inside the Marketplace forum, but on the page where all the forums are listed (ATMB/GQ/BBQ Pit, etc0

It’s certainly not the end of the world for me, but it’s silly looking and a bit distracting.

I vaguely recall some vB function that allows you to put a smiley before a thread title…it’s disabled here elsewhere and on other forums I visit. Is this intentional or is it a “feature” that was accidentally left on?

I don’t remember what we discovered before, but I do remember that it’s only on for Charter Members.

I think that’s only enabled in the Marketplace, where you can also post pictures.

Bosda’s that fucking cool.

This is why we can’t have nice things. :frowning:

If we’re going to keep the thumbs up post icon (it’s called a post icon), I’d like to request that a middle finger one be added. Sellers need to know what they’re getting into when they buy from me.

I’m pretty sure that icon is shown on the forum index whenever someone uses one when creating a topic. Not many use those when creating a topic, though, so they seem odd to us when they are used.

I’ve posted (and modded) on many boards where they’re used regularly, so looking at the forum indices in those places, you see the icons beside the forum name all the time (so much that you actually stop seeing them since it’s so normal).

ETA: As Munch says, it appears only enabled in the Marketplace. Some boards have it enabled on all forums (at least all the ones I’ve posted at).

No. I am a plain vanilla member and I see it.

Cool story, bro.

No, I meant that only Charter Members can add the graphic before their thread title. I remember going there myself to try to add it back when I was still a member, and not being able to. And, yes, it’s restricted to the Marketplace.

Unless, of course, you are saying you see the option to add the smiley before the title. If so, that’s cool. It would make sense as images are also allowed in Marketplace.