Stupid Trump Idea Of The Day

Trump filling his diaper on Twitter again.

It’s pretty funny that some people thought a 70 year old, painfully insecure gasbag would somehow transform into a statesman after the election. He’s just a punk.

Kellyanne Conway says that Harry Reid needs to stop saying mean things about Der Donald or there will be legal repercussions.

He also said they were people we don’t know or hadn’t heard of. So much for that.
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Dr. Laura for press secretary is being bandied around.

I saw that Sarah Palin is on Trump short list for Secretary of interior !
I been getting emails from all wildlife groups I belong to freaking out about what going to happen to our natural parks and wildlife ! :frowning:

Rance Priebus is the chief of staff. While a better choice than Bannon, I’m not sure Priebus is the best choice either. But it does show that Trump intends to chart a more establishment course after all.

I wonder who the new head of the Republican Party will be? David Duke?

So instead of draining the swamp, he poured out a cup of water in memory of fallen promises.

Turned out to be a literal campaign promise. He’s tasked the Army Corps of Engineers with pumping out the Washington lowlands.

Even Glenn Beck calls Steve Bannon as “the most dangerous guy in all of American politics.”

If you wonder what Hillary meant by “deplorables”, you’re about to find out.

I know we’re living in dire times because I have no idea whether this is a joke.

Oops, I got the wrong right-wing Laura, It’s Laura Ingraham.

He apparently doesn’t want to live at the White House full time, only part of the time.

…and today he’s apparently said he wants four of his kids to have full, top security clearance for all the secret classified info and stuff. Apparently it is needed and helps with them having to run his businesses while he’s president.

You don’t vote and you don’t offer a cite, so who gives a fuck what you have to say in this thread?

People don’t need to vote to offer commentary. The two are not related in the least.

I offered a cite, check again.

Me voting wouldn’t have made a difference. Hillary won the popular vote and she’s not president…so my vote wouldn’t have changed that.

Trump seems to like to put subordinates in conflict with each other. Wait until Bannon goes Mano a mano with Priebus. Bannon will gut him like a trout!

It’s press secretary. If there was ever a position where a President could just appoint whoever they wanted and it didn’t matter, this is it. It’s also a nice way to please your base without actually having to deliver on policy. A lot of Trump voters will be satisfied just to see Laura insult reporters from the liberal media.

I can give him shit for anything I want. He doesn’t vote. Fuck his opinion. It doesn’t matter.