Stupidest dare you ever accepted

My brother was just telling me about getting candy and basketball cards in junior high for running up the aisle of the school bus while barking like a dog.

I once saw a boy suck the toe of a girl on the church bus on a dare.

I was in a diner (where all my stupid dares seem to originate.) and one friend bet another to eat a hardboiled egg with chocolate pudding. Two of my friends partook of this, but I did not. Probably a good idea. I did, however, later that night, partake in a shot of cream (from those little things at the table for your coffee) with a salt packet disolved in it. By far the worst thing I have ever tasted in my life.

I was about twelve years old and I was playing a card game called Spoons. Every round, the loser has to do a dare. My dare was to eat a tablespoon of horse radish. It sucked beyond the telling of it. My mouth was on fire, literally, and I think smoke came out of my ears.

One time my brother dared my sister to jump off the monkey bars on our jungle gym, and she did, and broke her arm.

Any stupid dares I’ve participated in usually start with the words “drink this”.

In our family, the stupidest was when my brothers were little and my eldest brother dared my younger borther to “piss on Newman’s chooks Kev”. Kev did, and he still has the scar on his penis where the rooster pecked him.

Licked the window of a school bus… that is the only time I relented to licking any part of that bus. I would do just about anything else but that thing was filthy.

Nick used to lick the floors and the grime above the windows… he was odd.


Tandem skydiving.

It was part work assignment, part dare - in other words, one of our station announcers had to jump out of the plane, and someone said the magic words, “You wouldn’t dare” to me (saying that just ensures I will prove that, yes, I would dare).

I’ve accepted a few dares in my time but this is the first time a dare put me in hospital.

We were jumping into a local sportsground, the wind was swirling a bit and, when we were quite close to the ground, the chute flipped up and we dropped like a stone. I took the brunt of the fall, broke tib & fib just above the ankle, dislocated my ankle (I looked at it before the doc relocated it and nearly threw up; ankles just aren’t meant to look like that) and wound up with eight pins and a plate surgically inserted in my ankle.

I picked up a redback spider. It didn’t bite me though, which is reaaally good…

Even stupider is the fact that I was the one who dared myself to do it.

I ate a couple balls of wasabi once, and it was high-quality wasabi. Upset my stomach enough that I had to pass on ice cream at Fenton’s after dinner. The discomfort only lasted about 45 minutes though.

I know that feeling well. The worst was drinking the contents of a spittoon. I stopped doing drinking dares after that one.

When I was ten, I got dared to eat this random plant on the side of the road. I did, of course. I was sick for a week. I never found out what it was. Oh well, I lived. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. :smiley:

Heehee, I remember that…:smiley: Who was it that dared you to do that? It couldn’t possibly have been Me.

I drank a whole bottle of Tobasco sauce once. Not drip by drip out of the bottle… we drained it into a small juice glass and I poured it down. This was in Denny’s… I had to run to the bathroom, and I spat and spat into the toilet. I thought I was going to yak, but I never did. Disgusting.

:eek: I instinctively covered my crotch when I read this. It’s damn funny, though.

There are a few penis jokes here. I can’t think of any good ones, though.

So, rather than go off half-cocked, I’ll be quiet.

It’s kind of a dare…

I had a '56 Pontiac. I had just dropped off a friend at the beach (where all my friends hung out). He gave me the “spin 'em” gesture, so I wound 'er up and side-stepped the clutch.

The drive shaft broke loose from the rear end and rattled around under the car. Much hilarity from gathered friends.

I just heard a bit about it on the radio, not the whole story, but apparently the night manager tried to burn Fenton’s down last night because he didn’t get the bonus he thought he deserved.

A friend’s little brother, in first grade, was dared to grasp the cactus they had in the classroom. He had needles all throughout his hands.

Do not go to prison, my friend, because you definitely do not want a penis in your mouth.

I am finally realizing that my longtime proclamation, “I’ve never turned down a dare” has the potential to get me into trouble.

Some of my dares have included:

  • Allowing 4 strangers who worked at the bakery/coffee shop across from my office to publicly pie me with 4 whipped cream pies, and another person taking pictures
  • Stripping to a New Kids on the Block song and allowing the neighborhood boys to take pictures (that one made me famous as “Negative A” in high school)
  • Throwing my brassiere at the bus driver in high school (that one got me suspended)

My little brother, in the 4th grade, bet someone 2 pieces of bubblegum that the would eat 4 worms. He ate them, and he proudly got his gum, by golly.

No, it wasn’t you. Like I would ever accept a dare from the campy side-kick of a little sister. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve done that once, just once. Man my sinuses were never so clear in my life. Then it got so bad that I got out of the car and walked to Tennis practice rather then let my mom finish driving me.