Okay, so are we agreed that nobody who isn’t one foot in the grave wears pantyhose anymore? Yet I’ve been dressing kind of Mad Men retro lately and I’d like the option to wear stockings sometimes, if I ever went out after work which, you know, I don’t.
The thing is, the stuff you can buy at Victoria’s Secret is shit. It’s no fun to wear stockings that always feel like they’re falling down! I don’t want something decorative, I want what people used to wear (without, er, the girdle. I will never wear a girdle.) I remember looking a few years ago and seeing a lot of sites with six strap garter belts and fully fashioned seamed hose and the like. Now I look and there are a lot of sites but a bunch of them seem kind of crappy or fetish-inclined or, you know, whatever.
(There are also a surprising number of vintage sites - one thing I cannot see myself calling a “vintage investment” is stockings I’m about to put a hole in. Please.)
So I figure there’s some major site I’ve just managed to miss seeing. Where should I look? (And suggestions for wearing them, of course.)
If there’s a Macy’s in your town, you might try the lingerie department there. I find that they have a great selection and a variety of brands. You might also look at Lane Bryant, too, although if you’re a size 2, that won’t work. Their lingerie, especially their bras, are substantial, well-made, and pretty.
My first experiences with “nylons” involved garter belts… and when mini-skirts came in, there was a problem when you sat down and the skirt rode up and there were your garters out in front of God and everyone. (I went to a Catholic women’s college starting in 1967 and wore hose and heels to class- dress code- for my first three years. Senior year: bell-bottomed jeans- LOL.)
I’m not Lane Bryant size (good god, not yet at least) but I haven’t seen any mainstream mall store offering any garter belts that have more than 4 straps and that are made for anything but taking off…
Somebody help with this! Think of the men! We are tired of panty hose. Nothing makes a woman look more like a mannequin. In the name of all that is good and just, the source for quality garters and stockings must be found!
Anybody tried Secrets in Lace? They seem more function-minded, although the whole website gives off a little whiff of fetish (and while it’s nice to see bigger ladies modeling lingerie, does it strike anybody as weird that they’re almost all big girls? Is there a scene here of which I am unware?)
Just a whiff? They feature a collection named for Bettie Page and another by Dita Von Teese. That’s more than just a hint of an aroma. Not that there’s anything wrong with that if their merchandise is of good quality.
Regarding the big girls, I’m pretty sure it’s just that they’re just going for exactly the 50’s pin-up/Mad Men kind of look that you’re interested in. It’s not surprising to me that their models more closely resemble Jayne Mansfield than Twiggy.
Yeah, who decided skinny chicks were automatically hot? Men get blamed for this, but it doesn’t make sense for my tastes, or most guys I know. I think we appreciate more than women give us credit for.
This won’t be of much help, I think, but many years ago, my grandmother gave me an old pair of stockings. I believe I already owned the garter belt. Hers were silk, not nylon and had lasted a good 30-40 years after she’d worn them all the time until the time she gave them to me. (She was laughing about it: “I don’t know why you want these old stockings; pantyhose are so much easier.”
So I’m suggesting checking vintage shops for old fashioned silk stockings. Google revealed that Saks Fifth Avenue has them… for $150.00. :eek:
Try Stockings HQ. Their forums do get a little fetishy, but they have garter belts with up to 14 clips (!). I’ve generally found 8 or 10 to be optimal coverage.
There’s a difference between a fetish and an aesthetic. The fact that some people made a fetish of Bettie Page does not mean that anything which reflects her aesthetic is fetishism. People can make fetishes of anything.
No doubt. But while there’s probably not a source of undergarments on the net that doesn’t tickle someone’s fancy, that particular site chose to link two of its most heavily promoted lines to prominent fetish models. Again, not that there’s anything wrong with that…
I had no idea I was a fetishist based on a desire to see women who are more than stick figures. I’m aware there are BBW and chubby chasers and so forth, but that certainly isn’t what I think of when I peruse the site to which you linked (purely out of a spirit of fair-minded scientific inquiry, mind you).
“Doesn’t have or need implants”, to me, is a very strong plus on the resume for any lingerie model.
Maybe it is just me, but I find the background thought of “cripes, eat a sandwich, woman” distracts from my ability to admire a set of undies, or the contents thereof.