Suggestions for wedding readings

We’ve got a wedding coming up in a couple months and we are trying to finalize the ceremony. We are looking for good readings for weddings. I already know about most of the applicable Bible verses, and I am not to hot on the Prophet’s wedding readings. Most of the stuff I find on the web is schmaltzy and shallow. I want something powerful, moving, poignant – but without the greeting card fluff. I know the dopers can help!

I found these threads that are relevant, any new suggestions are much appreciated.
Help! I need to find something to read at a wedding

tasteful wedding scripture?

Thanks in advance!

I’m sorry. I know you’ve ousted Bible verses but… how can you pass up I Corinthians 13?

Well, I know you said you are familiar with the usual wedding verses, but the main Scripture read at my wedding was
Colossians 3:12-14. It was actually meant to apply to any sort of interaction between Christians, but, like Ruth’s speech, it works well as advice to a couple too.

How about reading this:

“Married?! AAAAAAH! I thought this was a yard sale!!”

Here’s something from The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk:

“My love, you are a river fed by many streams.
I bless all who have shaped you,
The lovers whose delights still dance patterns on your back,
Those who carved your channels deeper, broader, wider,
Whitewater and backwater lovers,
Swamp lovers, sun-warmed estuary lovers,
Lovers with surface tension,
Lovers like boulders,
Like ice forming and breaking,
Lovers that fill and spill with the tides.
I bless those who have taught you
and those who have pleased you
and those who have hurt you.
All those who have made you who you are.”