
I’d like to see these features added.

[li]The option to have the forum send me a private message when someone posts to a thread I am subscribed to if I’m logged in. This would be chosen on a thread by thread basis.[/li][li]The ability to edit my own posts.[/li][li]Use Javascript quote only the selected text and place it in the message text box. I dont know if this is even possible.[/li][li]The Smilies/vB code helper box on the post a reply page.[/li][li]The option to automatically go to the preview page when the submit new thread or post button is hit.[/li][li]An auto-refresh option on each thread.[/li][li]Thats it for now.[/li][/ul]
[li]first bulleted item[/li][li]second bulleted item[/li][/ul]

As long as we’re wishing, I’d like world peace and a billion dollars.

I want to ride the pony…

…Apart from that:
The ability to edit my own posts
Not likely to happen - been discussed a thousand times but one of the chief issues is that it could allow people to edit their past posts in light of later responses or otherwise weasel out of statements they made.

An auto-refresh option on each thread.
Again not likely - each thread view is a hit on the server; a few hundred people leaving their browser in a thread would eat up unnecessary bandwidth; just click the Refresh/Reload button - it’s not difficult.

I was going to say what Mangetout said.

The Smilies/vB code helper box on the post a reply page.
I’m pretty sure that’s exactly how it is now.

[li]The option to have the forum send me a private message when someone posts to a thread I am subscribed to if I’m logged in. This would be chosen on a thread by thread basis.[/li][/ul]

This sounds like a change to the vB code. SD cannot (or will not) implement changes to the code. Contact Jelsoft, the makers of vB, and suggest this for their next update.

Post editing is off for a reason. Primarily to keep people from changing their statements after they’ve been caught and lying about what they said.

**[li]Use Javascript quote only the selected text and place it in the message text box. I dont know if this is even possible.[/li][/ul] **

I don’t understand what you’re asking. Most browser’s already support copy and paste functions.

**[li]The Smilies/vB code helper box on the post a reply page. **[/li]
If you use the full reply page instead of the quick reply box at the bottom of the thread, you will see these features exist already. At the bottom of the page, use the “post reply” button.

[li]The option to automatically go to the preview page when the submit new thread or post button is hit.[/li]
Why, is it too difficult for you to learn to hit the preview button instead of submit button?