
In twelve hours time, I will be at a party, the theme of which is Superheroes. I need to come up with an idea and a costume, in about two hours. The superhero is imaginary, such as ‘Junior Executive Boy’ with powers such as ‘marketing skills’, and ‘the ability to photocopy’. Lame, I know. So I turn to you.

Who can I be. The costume must be simple, made from readily available household items. I also need powers.

Help me…

um, is this a party? or a work party? Where do you work?

Not a work party. Lots to drink and dance to. Junior Exec Boy was a poor example. I could have said umm…

The Visible Man. Who can be seen by everybody. Except blind people.

But it was done last year.

Buckethead, with the power to amuse you with his amazing bucket for a head!

The Crepe’d Avenger, with the power to eat thin pastries! (Make some crepes to bring to the party.)

Iron Man, who wages battle against irons of all sizes! (Stage a commando raid against the laundromat.)

Drunken Master, who you’ll turn into anyway!

Liquor Man- Has the ability to make ridicoulously large amounts of alcohol disappear while making passes at his best friends wife.
Also has the ability to throw up in the punch bowl and pass out in a flash.
Note: Liquor Man reverts to his weaker, non super powered alter ego Apology Man when Liquor man wakes up from his hangover.

Go as “Man Without Socks”.

My friend did this one years ago and I loved it…

Go as "Captain Velcro!"

run to your nearest drug store and buy several packages of those little self-adhesive black velcro circles. Then wearing a all black (Turtleneck, sweatpants, cape, if you got one) stick whatever amusing little odds and ends you have lying around the house all over your bodysuit. mini-flashlight, fork, teabag, coin, electrical cord adapter, anything that’s bright colored plastic helps. Bring the extra velcro with you and during the party find household objects or party snacks and stick them to you as well. My freind wound up with several girls who just loved taking his velcro items on and off and looking for things to secure to him.

Anyway that’s one idea.

Got a baseball bat in the house?

Grab it and go as Batman.

Ditto Master, the man with the ability to repeat back anything that is said to him, and his sidekick, Echo Boy!

Safety-pin a bunch of printer paper all over your clothes. Tell people you’re Chameleon Man, with the ability to change your coloration to match your background. Unfortunately, your arch-enemy, the Stabilizer, shot you with an anti-chamelon ray when you were walking through a Copymat, and now you’re stuck.

Get an over sized pair of pants and put a bag down the front full of all sorts of strange things and go as “SuperFly!”

Spend the evening unzipping your pants and pulling out the stuff you filled the bag with earlier.

PS: Make sure you include a bag of mixed nuts and maybe a banana or two.

How about “Upwardly-Mobil Man”? Have the name silk-screened on a Tee-shirt & put Brown (very important) magic marker on your nose, cheeks, and chin…

“Can’t Find His Costume Man”. Go in ordinary clothes because your power is that you can never find your costume.

I love the Captain Velcro idea. Someone bump this thread in October so I can do that for Halloween. :wink:

"The Doppleganger"–with the power to perfectly mimic another human being!

…It just so happens he’s mimicking you at the moment.

Costume? You’re already wearing it!

Go as Yuppy Scum Man!

Do a search for the lame x-men mutants thread. THat might give you some ideas.

Did the Velcro Man. Went down a storm. Ended up covered in empty beer cans. Would reccomend it. Cheers Bmalion

gives jaunty salute
[adam west voice]
“Glad to be of assistance, citizen.”
[/adam west voice]

Just remember to take your costume off before you drive home…