Okay, so now Sam’s got a mystical girlfriend, and if the previews are any indication, Dean’s getting one too. I’m going to bet that this stirs up a big pot of “We have a problem with her” syndrome among the fans (as in “They say she works with the homeless, and doesn’t eat meat! We have a probleeem with heeeer!”)
Oooo! Flashbacks! I’ve got to say, Jared Padalacki has jumped leaps and bounds in his acting this season, and, holy SNIKIES, he’s gotten even hotter! I’m still less than thrilled with new!Ruby’s acting skills, but if she can bring about more scenes like the one tonight, I’m all for her. What I wouldn’t give to know precisely what Sam was saying to Dean that squicked him out so badly.
Couldn’t Castiel have come up with a euphemism at the end there? Like, “We have to take Anna home now.”? It would have sat easier with everyone, I’m just saying.
Great episode.
I might be able to see it on a different channel tomorrow, but I’m sitting here doing basically nothing instead of getting my Sam and Dean fix. :mad::mad::mad:
Not all Supernatural fans are raving girl-hating lunatics. Really.
I like Ruby–she’s interesting. I really, really want to know what her real motives are, and I want to see a showdown between her and Castiel and Uriel, and I want to know if she gets redeemed or what in the end.
Anna hasn’t grown on me yet, though–and I suspect she’s toast by the end of next episode, so I’m not sure how the whole deal with Dean sexing her up (presumably) will work out.
Methinks Dean doth protest too much about hearing about Sam’s time with Ruby…
No, but a huge number of them are. Go on the Television without Pity boards, and hear the vitral for Ruby. Normally I’d just ignore them, but you know who else visits TWOP? Kripke. And he takes them seriously. A few weeks ago, he wrote an appologetic letter of explanation the mod there because the boards hated “Yellow Fever”. I’m serious.
In season 2, Dean was supposed to hook up with Jo. Guess which site “Had a problem with her.” So long Dean/Jo. I always thought it was cool that Kripke listened to his fans and threw us fun wincesty winks and nods, but he needs to stop catering to every whim, or the show is going to suck. Hopefully Ruby and Anna are a start.
See, now THIS is the kind of fan fun that I can get behind! Yeah he did! I wonder if the thing Dean is “guilty of” in the preview is loving his brother just a little too much.
TWOP is freaking nuts (always has been, IMHO) and does not represent the majority of fans out there. And I’m sorry if I’m coming across as defensive, I really am, but this is getting to be a bigger and bigger meme–that female Supernatural fans hate the girls on the show–and it gets under my skin like nothing else.
Well, Dean is supposed to get shirtless (and pantsless!) in the next episode. One can always hope!
Given Sam’s track record with girls, a demon makes sense. She can’t die really and she’s already caught up in the weirdness. I still don’t entirely trust her. It COULD be a huge trap.
Anna seems ok, and could stick around for a while. The guys standing up to Uriel won’t last; how could they really stop him? Or Castiel (who I really like)?
I trust Ruby too, mainly because Sam cares for her. It’s dramatically satisfying in horror fiction for the hero to be forced to kill someone he cares for, a sacrifice for the greater good. So, better Ruby than Dean.
Oh, I know they’re nuts. Which is why it worries me that Kripke seems to be paying them a lot of mind. I swear to God, comments like, “Kripke knows better than this!” have sprung up on the boards since yesterday. They think they’ve got him in their pocket, and they’re not really wrong…
I know most Supernatural fans are normal. But…why do the loud ones gotta be the crazies!? It’s always like that!
I don’t typically visit TWOP, but I specifically checked the boards after the “Yellow Fever” episode because I enjoyed it so much, and was baffled by the hate. Do they watch the same show I do? Because I love it more than my luggage, and I take seriously what there is to take seriously about it, but it’s still a freakin’ monster show on the CW. There’s plenty of room for silliness, and yowling like banshees about Sam and Bobby being flip about Dean dying (again, some more) and how Dean “would never act like that” is just crazy talk. It was a fun episode! Have fun with it!
You are my new friend. “We are the prettiest boys in the world. Bow before our high cheekbones.” That rocks.
So, Kripke’s coming right out and saying that Sam and Dean make the beast with two backs? And that his show is “pansy ass, weepy eyed bromance?” Why do Sam and Dean have censor bars over their eyes when Harry kills them (um…it).
Ah, perhaps it’s one of those regionalism things. They don’t sound identical to me, especially on the last syllable - yet Don and Dawn do identical and I’m assured that elsewhere you can hear a difference when people say them aloud.