"Surprise Wedding"..Fox's Shining Moment


WTF? I can’t muster enough venom to rant in the pit with cool jarbaby type cussin’…but what on earth is up with this shit?

Nothing says healthy self image like lying to your SO to get them to Vegas…to publicly pressure the deer-in-the-headlights shmuck into marrying your desperate ass… :rolleyes:

I’m thinkin’, but I’m comin’ up short on the swears, only because I’ve been howling about this show for weeks.

It’s just so stupid, it’s almost a waste of the 8% of my brain that I regularly use.

WOMEN OF THE WORLD Do you see what you’re doing?

DO YOU SEE IT? You are making the few, the proud, the logical LOOK BAD. You are presenting women as gold digging, needy, dependent, begging, giggly dipshits who wear kitty sweaters and live for the latest Danielle Steel release.

Why? :: shaking her by the shoulders :: Do you think a televised shotgun wedding will last? :rolleyes: PLEASE! PLEASE!

:: bitchslapping all of them :: PULL YOURSELVES TOGETHER you fucking dickslots


Damn, this is stupid. I can’t even think of anything other than that.

Now I just finished watching this show and saw the first one as well. It is a really stupid idea to trick your SO into a proposal show. But what kind of man would say “NO” on T.V. in front of the world. I mean you are crushing the girl by saying “NO” in the first place, then resounding it with it being public as well. YOu can always go through with it and not sign the marraige license when you get off camera. Can’t you? I thought the show sucked. It is a great marketing ploy though. I’m sure millions watched it.

Come on, this could possibly be as dignified, sincere and lasting as Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire.

“Surprise, I’m a complete and utter bitch, and I’m forcing you into marriage!”

West coast checking in here, I’ve still got a half hour before this show starts. Is it worth watching for it’s “train wreck” value?

How can you do this to the man you supposedly love and want to spend the rest of your life with?

I didn’t watch, but, you know what would have been cool? If the one of those guys pulled out a ring and said “I was going to give you this, but since you have shown yourself to be such a manipulative attention whore I’ve changed my mind.”
Tell me that happened. Please?

Well when you stick the poor shmucks in a green room offstage and make them endure a heartful plea from their doe-eyed SO, and then make them come back on stage ALREADY DRESSED IN THEIR TUX (with the announcer saying “Will this be the start of a life together, or the end of their relationship?”)…what do YOU think would happen? :rolleyes:

I think only one dude had the cajones to say, essentially, “Let’s get married back home in front of friends and family (instead of this freak show…)”

And I suppose the bitch cried about it. Sometimes…I consider becoming a vigilante


Well, I agree with essentially everything that’s been said…except one of those bitches is my cousin.
That’s right friends and neighbors, Wendy Linden from Downy CA is my mom’s first cousin. Her mother is my grandmother’s twin. Small world in which we live in, right?
I’m not entirely sure why she would want to do this…I didn’t even bother to ask. I do know however, that when she mentioned she was married and divorced at a young age, she really meant “I got knocked up when I was 15, and we were married for about a week.” I also know that Donovan (the lucky bastard on the show) did want to mary her, but because she had that bad experience (well,more than one) he was scared of asking her.

Though what was up with that witch who asked her BF to marry her after five months together…four months after his frist divorce became final?
And don’t even get me started on the “internet” romance one. I’m all for marrying people you meet on the internet (I’m marrying mine, aren’t I?) but after 29 days of actually knowing each other IRL?

I watched the second half as I was folding laundry last night. I wanted to change the channel, I wanted to tear myself away from the show, but I watched the whole damn thing once I landed on it. My husband came home while it was on and laughed at me. But soon enough, he yelled from the bedroom as he was changing clothes, “Did he say yes?”

The only person I had any respect for was the man who said he’d marry his girlfriend at a real wedding.

Did anyone else notice how the last bride was a complete faucet whenever she opened her mouth, but the tears dried up and she became calm when she wasn’t talking anymore? Creepy.

I like Fox and all, but they sure are helping the lowest common denominator continue its plummet (thanks, Onion!).

It’s freakin’ ridiculous, it is! Why in nee hell would you want to coerce someone into marrying you if they seem reluctant about it? What chance in the world is there of that marriage actually working? What the freakin’ hell were these women thinking? (Excepting your cousin, of course, pepper, but I still think she could have chosen a more dignified and private way of letting him know she wants to get married…)

Oh, and I forgot to say what I think about it from the point of view I’d take if I were the guy–sneaky, manipulative, coersive, OOOOH, there aren’t enough words. I agree with biggirl on this one. I’d really like to fnd out (I refuse to watch any of these damned things) that one of the guys actually told the girl off and walked out. I know I would if it were me…and I’m a woman…I can’t believe these guys just go along with it…

I watched this pscho bitch pageant during breaks on NBC (can’t miss *Will & Grace *) and, in addition to everything the other posters said, with all of which I heartily concur, something occurred to me.

The instant weddings performed on TV during this manipulation fest by needy, desperate women are legal in every state in the union. They can now file taxes jointly, get automatic inheritance and property rights, and are considered family by the government, with all the legal and financial benefits. But gay and lesbian couples, no matter the amount of time or level of commitment, are not permitted the same rights.

And folks like Puddleglum and Zarathustra wonder why gay people get pissed off!