more quality progamming from FOX

I love you, I think you feel the same way. My dearest wish is to spend the rest of my life with you. So I think I’ll force the issue and ambush you on national TV so everyone you’ve ever known can laugh at you, you worthless, lazy piece of crap.
Love is a many splintered thing.

Some of these folks are going to get what they so richly deserve.

I saw a preview for that the other day. No way am I going to subject myself to watching that crap. This isn’t as bad as the marry a millionaire thing, but it’s up there.

God - they can’t find a spot for Family Guy, but they can put this crap on?!

When will they ever start airing Family Guy again anyway?

Hell in a handbasket…

Yer pal,

Six months, three weeks, three days, 14 hours, 35 minutes and 28 seconds.
8304 cigarettes not smoked, saving $1,038.04.
Extra life with Drain Bead: 4 weeks, 20 hours, 0 minutes.

David B used me as a cite!*

I’ve always thought someone should start up the Handbasket Delivery Service, with the motto, “We’ll go anywhere, even…well, YOU know!”

It could be a division of the Good Intentions Asphalt Company.

Devilish Designs Engineering: We specialise in Highway design. None too wide. Call for today’s Special!
This is Fox. What did you expect? Thoughtful, Intellectual debates? Delicately planned interviews?

Yeah, I saw the preview for this as well and groaned. I remember watching that gameshow they did will all the child genuises and remember thinking to myself “Hmmm… maybe they’re trying to improve.” (not that you can do much worse than ‘Who wants to marry a multi-millionaire’. Guess I was wrong.

Ah well, at least Boston Public looks promising; I’ll just work on avoiding those FOX specials.

People can and will participate in these shows, but some of them think that gay marriage would threaten and degrade the institution? Huh.