Confirmed: Family Guy coming back!!

Good news, floppy! I’ve decided not to KILL you!

Family Guy coming back



is this the first show to make a comeback after going off the air due to the popularity of its syndication?

Here’s to hoping it stays on Cartoon Network.

Fox doesn’t deserve first-run episodes of Family Guy. Not after the way they killed it the last time around.

Exactly right, FOX entirely f#%@ed over this series. I could never even figure out when it was on, they moved it around weekly it seemed.

Alright! New Family Guy TV episodes, the Firefly movie has been greenlit, now we just need someone to bring back Futurama, and the evil of the Fox network will have been almost completely undone!

That and its DVD sales. (About 2 million units so far, according to Seth.)

That lame crapfest gets resurrected while Futurama remains history?!?

:mad: :frowning: :mad: :frowning: :mad:

There is no god…

No, there is. He just has taste.

Do not dis Futurama.

Similarly, let’s not dis Family Guy in a thread meant to be a celebration of it’s return, 'kay? It’s called “threadcrapping,” and it just pisses people off.

68 minutes. Nice work! :rolleyes:

This simply is not true. FOX was very supportive of “Family Guy.” They gave it a sweet time slot to start with and marketed it very heavily. They stuck with it for three seasons even though it was absolutely tanking in the ratings - it started out OK, but it got worse with every passing week; by the beginning of Season 2 it was tanking badly. The desperate timeslot shifts began as a response to the show’s atrocious ratings, and even for a show being moved around it was doing horribly. By Season 3 the ratings were in “girls club” territory. You may recall they gave “girls club” two episodes before taking it out back and shooting it.

The show simply wasn’t drawing any viewers when it was on FOX and it’s a credit to them they even gave it a third season. Seth McFarlane himself has said FOX was very supportive. And frankly, here we are with the show gaining huge popularity AFTER its cancellation, and they’re willing to pay for more episodes, so what’s to complain about? I’m shocked they’re willing to admit they need it back.

Incidentally, yes, - this would be the first American prime time show to ever be completely cancelled and later restarted.

This thread is freakin’ sweet…

This is just rumor, but I heard from an insider that Rupert didn’t like the show, and that was why they killed it.

Well Star Trek, sort of. They went straight to movies rather than resurrect the original series on TV, and went with a new cast for the Next Generation show, but still, it’s sort of the same principle.

P.S. - Just to piss everyone off;), I’m continuing the highjack to say that Futurama was always mediocre at best. For that matter, Family Guy had its dull moments, too, but was still worth it for the occasional outrageous knee-slapper.

When God’s doing things right, people think He isn’t doing anything at all.

Well, there’s also the fact that an episode of Family Guy costs over $1 million to make (with the flashbacks, animation re-use is minimum) and Cartoon Network more than likely doesn’t have that kind of budget.

Woo hoo!! Family Guy is coming back!! (Peter Griffin laugh…“I said coming”)

Prophecy, surely.

I say, the re-“animation” of the series is almost as delectable as a dead Lois.

[quagmire]All right![/quagmire]

Although I do think Futurama’s a better show.