Yes, this season sucks, and there is no one left worth rooting for (except possibly Fabio), but a couple of positive things came from this episode.
One, the immunity challenge was a great one, combining a small element of athleticism, blindfolds, and an excellent memory challenge. Too bad it was wasted on this group.
We now have a really pissed off member of the jury who isn’t afraid to speak her mind. The final TC could be quite entertaining, with NaOnka as a wildcard who could say anything, and Jane who could pull off a Sue Hawk like performance if she can maintain the hate for a few more days.
I was surprised by the unanimity of the vote. I’m not sure at all what Dan and Fabio are thinking.
I don’t remember EVER hearing so much whining about the way the reward challenge went down. Hell, loved ones reward or not! You’d think they weren’t going to see all of them in another week anyway.
Jane really annoyed me in this episode, and kinda shows why she didn’t deserve to win. Now granted, we only saw a few minutes of several hours, but it didn’t seem like she tried to go to Fabio and Dan before tribal at all. And unless someone is 50/50 going into tribal, they probably won’t change their mind during tribal. And then she tells them to vote for Holly, and she votes for Sash? What was her plan?
And Chase breaks his promise for the second time. I’m cool with blindsides and lying about who you’re going to vote for, that’s part of the game, but lying about taking someone on reward is just a dick move.
So glad Jane is gone. She was acting like a two-year-old. For all she loved to play the “sweet old granny” angle, she’s really a mean, spiteful person who’s only sweet as long as everyone does what she wants them to.
Chase is an idiot.
Fabio was a bit of a crybaby in this episode, but I still love’im.
Dan is just kinda there, and I’m still liking Holly. She and her husband were cute.
Sash? Eh, I wouldn’t be disappointed if he won. Not really my favorite person personality-wise, but at least he’s playing the game.
Jesus, talk about jury tampering! Probst, what the fuck is with enticing the three players on the outs to form an alliance during tribal council? I know there’s just a veneer of impartiality on Probst role, but c’mon!, that was way over the line. Shut the fuck up and let the players play the game, Jeff.
And in the end it didn’t even matter – the suckers on the short end (Fabio, Jane, Dan) didn’t have the brain cells to follow through and force a tie. And Jane blew the deal altogether with her not-Holly vote. Hopeless, hopeless.
They clearly cut out a big important chunk of tribal council. The part were it occurred to them that either Chase or Sash could simply hand an idol to Holly to foil the impromptu alliance. Then Jane, Fabio and Dan secretly confer (Hand signals? Quickly turn around and mouth a name?) who to switch their vote to. Jane picked Sash, but inexplicably the other two didn’t follow suit. Otherwise the vote made no sense at all.
I always feel embarassed for young guys who get their mother on the family visit. Too much of a loser to have a serious girlfriend? It just makes them look like total momma’s boys to have their mommy come visit, though that’s usually an unfair reaction. But Fabio really stepped it up tonight, with a grandmaster momma’s boy performance for the ages. Good grief.
The hateful Jane from earlier in the season resurface. That’s the woman who thought Marty was the devil incarnate, and my brief Jane support evaporated before tribal even started. Good riddance.
I have specific reason to dislike every single remaining survivor. (Completely useless, shoe thief, momma’s boy, racist, and douche*) Thankfully I just have to slog through Sunday night and I can forget this miserable season once and for all.
*enalzi said it perfectly. Lying about taking someone on reward is a dick move, and he’s now done it twice in row. Or twice in 3 episodes? I forget. Either way, total dick move. Douche.
So the non-alliance of Jane, Fabio and Dan couldn’t figure out that they had to force a tie to stay in the game? And they couldn’t figure it out when Jeff practically walked them through it? And they further couldn’t figure it out when Jeff went so far as to suggest a way for them to do something about it?
Chase pulls a douche-y move and even that wasn’t enough impetus for the rest of the group to decide that he should go. Jane finds out her alliance is turning against her and that isn’t enough to decide one of them should go.
I agree with Dag Otto but Jeff would have had to explain the numbers to them, and in what order they were needed. They still wouldn’t do it.
What’s with all this “WAAAAH, WAAAAAH, you didn’t take me on the reward” crap? Fabio had some right to be upset, since he, Chase, and Sash had all talked about taking each other if they won; but still, he blew it way out of proportion. Jane and Dan should have had no expectation of being chosen and no reason to be so bitchy about it. (and IMO, while it was nice for them to be able to see their mom or their kid, it’s not the same as being away from a spouse for over a month. I’m glad he took Holly and her hubby.)
Did anyone else find Dan’s son’s repeated kissing to be fairly creepy? Or maybe it was the white pants.
Jane fed her daughter two of the three words of the puzzle answer, and she still couldn’t figure it out!
QFT. And her energy would have been beeter spent trying to save herself before tribal council instead of acting out like she did.
But fer cryin, out loud, Chase, Sash and Holly – you’re standing there and Jane walks up… You say to her, “We’re voting Dan out.” Tantrum averted. Sheesh, this bunch.
Lots of TC weirdness. Nobody gives Holly an idol after Jane says, “Let’s all vote for Holly”? Then she votes for Sash anyway?? I can rationalize Fabio and Dan’s votes, though, on the at-least-I’m-not-going-tonight strategy. Not that it’s a good strategy.
You’re absolutely right, Wheelz. Although Chase is an idiot for promising to let Fabio go, the fact is, Holly and her husband missed celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary for the show and they deserved to be there. When Chase made his promise to Fabio, he didn’t know they’d be doing the loved one challenge anyway.
Jeez, all these people were going home within a week, it was Day 35. If you live in another state (Fabio), you probably wouldn’t have seen your Mom in the last 6 weeks anyways.
Will one of the HII go back into play? For the final five Tribal council?
And if anyone has read any spoilers, something big was edited out… :
(Anything contained in the spoiler below is supposed to already happened on the show)
…of the Tribal Council last night. Apparently Jane accused Sash of bribery, by saying he offered to help with the mortgage on her property if she voted for at Final Tribal Council. She said it right after she starting ranting about Holly and the shoe incident. Read the TWoP spoiler thread for more info but youwill get spoiled on the results on Sunday.
And remember, Final episode is Sunday Night. CBS has the Football Doubleheader this weekend so football delay are likely, adjust DVR accordingly.
I also did not understand why Fabio and Dan did not try and force a tie. Maybe they were thinking they still had a chance. At this point in time, I am really hoping Fabio (or Dan) gets into the final three just to throw Chase, Sash and Holly off. If it came down to those three, I wouldn’t know who to vote for, I hate them all.
I’m not sure what kind of choice everyone gets in terms of who comes, but I would want my Mom to be there. Mainly because we’ve watched every season of Survivor together until I moved. I can’t remember a boyfriend or girlfriend ever coming on the show before. It’s usually parents, sons/daughters, or spouses.
Also, I have an agreement with my mom that if either one of us were to be on the show, we’d throw the reward challenge. Not having to wait an extra week to see them isn’t worth the huge anger that gets put upon you for picking who gets to go on reward.
Re Dan and Fabio voting for Jane – It makes me wonder if there is an alliance that they have been keeping totally hidden from us.
As in, Dan & Fabio & Holly.
Holly surely knows that whatever Sash and Chase might have told her, they’d both opt to take Dan to the final three over her.
All of them, ALL of them wanted Jane gone, based on fears she’d win. And with the Hidden Immunity Idols in play at that point, they couldn’t vote for either Sash or Chase. Which left it very obvious who to vote for.
True-The final vote made it clear that *no-one wanted to be in the final 3 vs Jane. She’d win. Yes, it’s true that they could have forced a tie, but there could have been HII strategies.
Jane had made it clear that she wanted to know when they were going to vote her off, so they gave her that courtesy- which she promptly spat in their faces. Just goes to show she wasn’t as nice as she has been depicted. The fire incident was childish.
Chase was a dick. True, he couldn’t take everyone, but he had made a promise, and why promise unless you intend to carry it out?
and this is the time where you want to get rid of the obvious jury favorite. Not on day 3 or something as others on the show has claimed. Make your tribe strong- then worry about the jury.
I thought Fabio was over-the-top with the whining about the reward, but what if he was actually faking it to cover a Holly/Dan/Fabio alliance after all? I was under the impression that Holly was pretty well-liked by most of the younger people…I don’t really see Fabio being the kind of person who’d begrudge her a 25th anniversary reunion when he’s probably going to be able to see his mom again in less than a week.
Maybe all the Holly trashtalk back at camp was a feint.
God, this season’s so lousy it has me believing that Fabio’s smart enough to do that at all. Agreed that he’s not as dumb as he acts, but still…
Ami Cusack had her girlfriend Crissy show up, though that was a bit of a special case. They’ve done boyfriends & girlfriends other times too. And they’ve done regular friends several times, perhaps most famously Johnny Fairplay’s friend Dan, who told him his grandmother was dead.
Everyone on this season is a moron, with some minor exceptions (Marty, Brenda, Sash).
There has been HEAVY editing by the producers to the point we are missing out on some very large and important happenings.
I’m starting to lean towards #2. I don’t remember the Holly/shoe incident at all (and I’ll need to rewatch the scene because my friend was talking loudly over it). Everyone apparently hates Jane, but the producers have been trying to make her look very likeable. Sash suddenly going from free agent to #3 in his alliance. And I just cannot fathom how, after having Probst bring to light the Chase/Holly/Sash alliance, the other three would NOT vote Holly, and instead vote Jane/Jane/Sash. There must’ve been some more talking, either at camp before or at the Tribal Council, that led to Fabio/Dan keeping their votes for Jane.
I was also thinking before the vote that Sash should give his idol to Holly instead of himself (to avoid the tie). That would’ve been a great move, similar to Amber’s from last season. As it happened, it wasn’t needed.
I suppose a secret Fabio/Dan/Holly alliance is possible but I just don’t see it… unless the producers are really hiding it from us. Right now I feel like Dan is the loser everyone keeps around, and Fabio is the guy they want out but happened to win immunity. The other three want to go to TC themselves, where Sash or Holly would win (Chase has no chance I think, he’s rubbed too many people the wrong way). The only potential interest at this point is whether someone purposely keeps Dan, or if Fabio can immunity his way into the final 3.