Survivor: Guatemala Ep. 7 - "Surprise Enemy Visit"

From Yahoo! TV:

Hope the episode turns out to be better than it sounds. Maybe if it was a “Surprise Eminem Visit” it would be cooler … Anyway, I’m going to continue to cheer for Rafe, thereby ensuring that the best he can possibly finish is 3rd place. Same as my Beloved Dolphin Boy. (Although, I suppose there are worse things in the world than being compared to the hottest hottie in Survivor history.)

I find it hard to believe that one tribe will just “decide” to visit the other camp. That’s certainly not how they’re promoting it. Sure, if Jeff says “It’s your choice–go visit the other tribe, or let these howler monkeys have their carnal way with you,” then I guess it’s a decision, but I don’t think they’re just going to wake up and say “Gee … I feel like visitin’!”

Actually this may be the first time it was physically likely. In most previous series, the two camps were widely seperated. In Guatemala, the two camps are almost within sight of each other.

I still think one of these seasons, they need the teams from the currently filming Amazing Race to drop by the Survivor camps and have some sort of reward challenge/pit stop detour type thing.

Oooooooh … you know those monkeys want NONE of that action. “Evolution, schmevolution,” they’re saying, “I’m staying the hell away from those bozos!”

It would be awesome if one of the Race challenges involved beating the snot out of Survivor contestants. Especially this batch. Because they’re really boring.

I would love to see Wee Carissa in a footrace with Jungle Judd. (With Little Billy making snarky comments from the sidelines.)

Hell, yeah! That was the best part of the entire episode, maybe even the best moment in “Survivor” history! It wasn’t even a race. Wee Carissa Gaghan ran absolute circles around Judd and had him hogtied before he even heard Phil say “Go!” Meanwhile, Billy and Howlie just sat there in the trees, laughing and throwing crabapples and coconuts at Judd’s head, listening to that hollow echoing sound as the fruits bounced off. It was sweeeeeet! And all the while Judd was ranting and hollering about how the Gaghans weren’t being good “sportsmanships.” He was almost in tears, he was so mad! And then, after he lost to kids whose combined age is half his, he got unanimously voted out. It was awesome!

Wait … what do you mean, it didn’t really happen? Exsqueeze me? Whaaaaaaa? I refuse to listen to you any more, because you’re a LIAR. Liar, liar, pants on FIRE! See, I have my fingers in my ears, and I’m singing a song, because I can’t even hear you. La la la freaking LAAAAAAAAAAA!

Shut UP. A girl can dream …

Oh, and before I forget: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALT!

Rockle, you’re a riot lately. thanks.

I think Wee Carissa would get the shiste scared out of her by Jungle Judd. She’d think halloween came early on Vanuatu or wherever they are this time around. He’d give her those big, disbelieving eyes ranting about who drank his beer and she’d scatter up the tree, in no time at all since she runs 7 minute miles. Mr and Mrs Gaghan wouldn’t know where the kids were, and of course wouldn’t ask for directions.

But even better, let’s leave the Paolas and Jungle Judd all alone on an island…wouldn’t that be special??

Are you there, God? It’s me, rockle. Do you think the above situation could be arranged? If so, I’ll go light another candle or summat. Thanks!

Hmm. That actually was a good episode. Although, I have to say, that Reward Challenge? Made me positively sick to my stomach just from watching. Like Bobby Jon needs to be any dizzier … but that was a cool-ass Reward, and one I wouldn’t mind winning myself. Looks like Howlie and his boys were cheering Yaxhá on as they ziplined their way through the rainforest canpoy. Nice appearance by Special Wildlife Guest Star Lenny the Ring-Tailed Lemur. Welcome to the show, you handsome fella!

Very interesting that Yaxhá was allowed to just float into Nakúm’s dock and invite them away. I don’t know why, but I always sort of assumed that fraternization like that was frowned upon, if not actively discouraged. It’s kind of moot now with the merge coming up, but what’s to keep future tribes in future seasons from just showing up at a competing tribe’s doorstep and having their way (with food, water, rewards, women, howler monkeys, etc.)?

And by the way – tell me, have you ever seen such a case of “the lady doth protest too much” as you did with Nakúm tonight? “Oh, we hate them, they’re the enemy, we want to rip their heads of and eat their gizzards, we don’t need no stinkin’ badges and their chocolate and their bribes and their poison!” When the worst thing that might have happened is, maybe Judd peed in the pool or something. Which, eww, but still.

I don’t know when it happened, or how, but Yaxhá has won my heart. Seriously, I totally <heart> them, and I can’t tell you why, but I do. That may have been the most honest and least annoying Tribal Council I’ve ever seen. Those guys genuinely felt badly about voting for anyone, and Amy totally took her ouster like a champ. Way to go! She just made my list of Top Ten Favorite Survivors Ever, and not only that, but she’s #2. Amy is the Survivor everyone used to think Stephenie is.

After two classy exits in a row (Brian last week, and now Amy), it looks like we’re due for some shit to be stirred next week. Yawn. Hope something happens soon, or CBS is getting a letter about giving Howlie and Lenny that variety show we were talking about a few episodes back.

That was a coatimundi, not a lemur. There are no lemurs in the Western Hemisphere. I had to correct supervenusfreak on that same point…

Anyway, did anyone else expect them to start singing “It’s a Long, Long Way to Tipperary” when they had all four people wrapped up and scuttling around?


Ring-tail Lemur

All in all, good episode tonight. Brandon is still my main man methinks.

My hubby kept laughing at the wrap-up challenge, especially because he had been hoping for it.

During the jungle zip, I said “Wouldn’t it be funny if they got to the end of the zipline, and there was the merge?”

Not sure I liked the way the merge happened. I assumed it would happen next week after the reward challenge, like usual.

Still a pretty “meh” season, but this was a pretty good week. Still waiting for something to knock my socks off.

Time for bed, hope I don’t dream about Judd in those wet tightie whities shudder

This has been an especially good season for wildlife shots. I initially thought “lemur” also, but the head was different. Thanks for the ID.

I, on the other hand, will probably be seeing Judd in those boxers (not tightie-whities…I would have KILLED to see him in tightie-whities) in my dreams for a long time. Mmmmm…

I’d have to gag him, though. If he started talking, it would be all over.

I finally realized tonight who Danni reminds me of. She looks like Tawny Kitaen did back in the 80s. This has nothing to do with the show - just thought I’d mention it.

Interesting watching Amy and Gary worry about the vote now that there were only two of them. Isn’t that kind of what Brian was warning you guys about just three days ago?

The merge next week should be different. This season doesn’t seem to have any strong alliances (although, as always, we may be having the real alliances hidden from us). Will the Nokums stick together to pick off the four Yaxhas or will new alliances form? The Yaxhas only have to bring over two people to take the majority - Cindy’s been an outsider and Lydia’s close to it. Or maybe the core Nakums (Stephanie, Jamie, Judd, and maybe Rafe) will bring in one or two Yaxhas (Gary or Brandon would be my guesses) to form a new majority.

Is the tempature still up over a hundred degrees? That leftover chocolate is going to get ugly real fast.

On a final note - am I the only one who hates the family messages?

Probably because of the ringed tail. But a lemur is a primate and a coatimundi is a racoon-like mammal.

I kinda thought this episode was a little slow. Nothing really stands out, except I’ve always wondered if there was some rule about going to the opposing camp site.

Doorman-Boy better win immunity next week, or that’s the last we’ll see of his obnoxious ass. God bless him for his ox-like strength, but his ox-like intellect and personality will be his undoing.

Well, smack my ass and call me Mama Weaver, 'cause my kids asked what it was and I said, “I think it’s a Ring-Tailed Lemur.” :eek:

I also could have done without that shot of Judd in the tighty-whiteys.

Little Nemo, I also am getting sick of the family messages. They were cute at first, but have worn thin. Very thin.

At the RC, when Jeff was talking about what else the Mayans gave to the world, I guessed it and yelled out “Chocolate!” before he said it. Chocolat is one of my favorite movies. Mmmm, Johnny Depp.

I think we need to take up a collection to ship rockle out to LA so she can work for both TAR and Survivor. The stuff she comes up with is so much better that what we see.
The image of Carrisa chasing Judd… :smiley: :smiley: She’d kick his ass.

Heheheheheheheh. So it’s Carl the Coatimundi instead of Lenny the Lemur. Oh, well. He’ll still make an excellent sidekick to Howlie.

Good God, yes! My eyes, ze googles, zhey do nozhink!

I’m sure I can design a Reward Challenge, but I think my best work is behind me. Doubt I can ever top “Flotillas or Chinchillas.”

I can not believe the contestants feel sorry for Bobby Jon. Who cares if he wants to make the jury and never made it to the merge before?

He also has been given a second chance for no reason and both he and Stephanie should have been voted off immediately. Why are they still on?