Two folks flip over the wrong color pad. It’s reminding me of that ditzy girl in the last season who always messed up the rules to the challenges.
Awww…poor Abi. NOT! I could feel sorry for her if she hadn’t spent the entire time her alliance was in the majority acting like anyone outside of that alliance (and a couple within it) were dirt under her feet.
Abi is such a bitch. I hope she goes next.
Quick question…where is Abby from? Brazil?
Yes, Brazil. "Where the nuts are from. " (Any Charlie’s Aunt fans here?)
This season just keeps getting better and better.
TY Twikster. Agree on this season.
I’m curious to see if they really do want to get rid of Abi next or if they’re all just telling each other that. Even given Denise’s speech at Tribal Council, it’s hard to believe all of them are so stupid as to not see taking Abi to Final is a damn good strategic move.
I noticed that Skupin was on the Abi side of the split vote. I wonder if they set that up on purpose so he couldn’t flip.
The problem is if it’s a final 3, that doesn’t help you that much, and now you’re seen as the guy who betrayed the alliance.
Malcolm was a sitting duck, and the look on Skupin’s face had me thinking Pete had got to him. Bold move to not play his idol when one flipper could make it a nice souvenir.
Abi is finally coming to a head. Bold move to announce you are going to do less around camp just as your alliance is crumbling.
Jeff on what kind of villain Abi is.
We haven’t seen anyone as socially tone-deaf as Abi since Coach’s first season.
The TC really showed Abi Normal’s problem – to everyone but Abi Normal. Denise pointed out to Abi that Abi would not let her finish speaking and making her point, and Abi believes that Denise was attacking her instead of trying to explain things to her. She would not – could not, since she was speaking over Denise – hear anything Denise was saying, other than the beginning of a sentence. Basically, Denise said ‘Abi, your problem is that…’ and Abi interrupts and accuses her of playing the ‘psychologist’.
Abi had no idea she was disliked, and cannot understand why she is being attacked.
Interesting comment there. Abi could have turned on Pete and not have had to use her idol.
It was looking like three votes for Abi, three for Pete, an two for Malcolm; which is how it turned out when Skupin didn’t flip. Assuming no flips, Abi could have voted for Pete. Four votes for Pete, three votes for Abi, one vote for Malcolm. If Skupin had flipped, it would have been 3P/3A/2M and they would vote again. She could have saved her HII for that.
That would involve Abi understanding how the game is played, which I don’t think she does.
I don’t see Abi as a villain at all. Just a poor player and a clueless person.
Villains are people like Hantz or Colton.
I dont think she is allowed to use it then if she didnt use it before.
I haven’t been able to participate in these thread because I’ve been behind all season. Finally caught up last night…
As bad as Abi is, at least she provides some entertainment. I just can’t stand Jonathan, and I was soooo hoping they’d get rid of him. Even his voice (aka Alan Alda) is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.
Teen-star lady also drives me nuts. She is one big walking “White People Problems”.
I hadn’t really noticed Blond Track Coach guy until last night, but he seems to be quite a good player.
Denise is such a freakin’ stud! It’s been so nice to see her get to go on reward challenges in the last few shows. I would very much like to see her win. Go Denise!!
In that case, that’s a risk. Still, she and Pete could ask Skupin to flip, and then she could go back to Skupin and tell him he’d be part of a Grand Strategic Move if he didn’t flip and voted for Pete.
Naonka and Colton are strong contenders for the crown.
They are, but Abi isn’t. She’s nowhere near as bad as either of those two.