Survivor on Wednesday Night

To accomodate the NCAA Basketball Tournament.

Don’t want anyone to miss it.

Isn’t this actually last week’s that’s on tonight?

It’s not one of the cheesy recap shows tonight, is it? They’ve done that in years past during the NCAA tournament.

The commercials indicate it’s a new one, perhaps with tribal swapping and/or merging.

Thanks for the heads-up! I was about to forget that.

From CBS:

[spoiler]Next time on SURVIVOR: FIJI

The next episode of SURVIVOR: FIJI will air on a special night, Wednesday, March 21 at 8pm et/pt.

· When Jeff says, “Drop your buffs,” the tribes face a major shake-up that changes the game.

· Strategy changes when one Survivor realizes their old alliance no longer has the majority in their new tribe.

· When two all-new tribes are formed, one question is at the front of everyone’s minds: which of the new tribes will live at the Moto camp of luxury and which will live at the Ravu camp of nothing?[/spoiler]

It appears to be new and not a recap.

Hey, I came by just to bump the old thread to remind people of this. Thanks!

The NCAA is pushing everything around–what, does it think it’s AMERICAN IDOL? Anyway, screw it, my bracket is shot. </Colbert>

I would guess that the person who realizes the problem in their alliance is one of those who proved unable to count to ten last week. :smiley:

If Earl, Anthony, Michelle, and my sweet sweet Yau Man don’t end up lounging on the King-size this week (not together!), there is no justice in this world.

Lemme check my macro one last time:

Another humiliating defeat for Moto! Thanks a LOT, Rocky!

Yep, working fine.

Thanks for the reminder! This, right here, is why I loathe basketball: it messes with my reality TV schedule. I have this stuff down to a science, now, and they have to go and mess with it. Bitches. :smiley:

Oh, and because I know you need to know these things, tonight’s episode is titled “I’ve Strength Now To Carry The Flag.” I bet y’all (checks wallet) 62¢ that Yau-Man utters the titular line, because he’s one of only maybe three people on that island who bothers with grammar.

Point for rockle.

It’s really interesting listening to these members of the new tribes talk. Many of them seem to be happy with their new tribemates. Although there’s at least one who is very unhappy, and worried about being voted out now.

I have decided I don’t like Lisey or her attitude one bit. And I don’t think Jeff likes her either.

ARRRGH! and some Yays, but mostly ARRRRGH!

Rockle usually opens new threads, right? See ya over there.


I usually do, but I didn’t this week, because I was busy being told by, like, everyone in my entire company that I work too hard and do too much and need a vacation. Like, duuuuuuuh! Are you people new? Did you miss the memo? I’ve been trying to tell you that since I got back from my last vacation! Why won’t you bastards put Stoli and Xanax in the vending machine like I asked you to? I swear to God, you people better HELP ME, or I’m outta here, and since I do 50% of the work in this department, good luck getting anything even resembling a bonus ever again! You’re all gonna be screwed! I’ll get you, my pretties, and your little dog, too! Bwahahahahahahahaha!

Ahem … sorry. Nervous breakdown. ANYWAY. My useless random observations for tonight:

[li]Rocky might possibly be the biggest dickhead who ever lived, and I’m surprised I never dated him.[/li][li]Poor Anthony. He’s so emo, but I love him anyway. Probably because his story is my story, except for the part about being an expert witness locator, and coming from Compton, and going to Yale, and being black, and being a man. But other than that, we’re peas in a pod.[/li][li]This show is SO MUCH BETTER when Lisi isn’t around. SO MUCH BETTER.[/li][li]Big ups to Yau-Man for not letting me down. Isn’t it just like a non-native English speaker to have a better grasp of the language than everyone else?[/li][li]Things must not be going well between Jeffy and his daughter … I mean, “girlfriend” Julie, because he’s been exceptionally bitchy lately. Get some Midol, tool![/li][li]Those spiders were DEE. SKUSS. TEENG! Eww. The only thing grosser than spiders are giant spiders, and the only thing grosser than giant spiders are squillions of teensy little cannibal spiders.[/li][li]WHALES! Mama and calf. I really, really love the nature footage on this show. I mention it all the time, but it cannot be mentioned enough.[/li][li]Does anyone else think Earl and Cassandra would make a cute couple?[/li][/ul]

PS – Make those 62¢ checks payable to “Cash.” Kthxbye!

You poor thing, I just wanted to make sure nobody missed the episode, not to take anything away from you, you are the queen of Survivor threads.
To your comments:
Wait, you never dated me either. I swear I am at least as big a dickhead, but I lack that annoying accent.

Not emo, and I want to drown Anthony. Not wanting to drown you, I think you are different.

We are on the same page regarding Lisi. She just replaced “what’s her name” as my most hated Survivor. You remember, the one that tried to play Ian. Katie?
Yau-man rocks, he is so precise in speaking. I admire that.

The rest of your bullet points are gold. You remain the champion of Survivor. As much as I enjoy “What’s His Names” rankings, I wish you would take that on.

Please forgive my gushing.

Originally written by Rockle:



Nah, s’alright. It’s just my busiest week of the month, and I’m a little sleep deprived. I’ll get over it with some chain smoking and about 10,000 Mountain Dews. And about a week’s worth of sleep. (But the Stoli and Xanax would help.)

Are you sure? I dated a lot of dickheads before I met my husband and settled down. :cool:

“Different.” Heh. I get that a lot. But I do empathize with Anthony; I was actually an athlete in high school (I did the distance events on the swim team) and I still hated gym class. Probably the fact that I pretty much hate people figured into that, though. Also, I have a great fear and loathing of wiffle ball, the President’s physical fitness test, and “pinnies.”

Yes. Grrrr.

Gush all you want – I crave the attention. But zut does a really good job with the rankings. I have a hard time remaining objective. Which is why, if I were on the island, I’d probably be the first contestant ever to be murdered and used for chum.

It’s OK, though. I don’t need Jeff and his ilk. When I strike it rich from all the scratch-off lottery tickets I’m gonna buy when I cash those bet checks, I’m going to just laugh and laugh and laugh. And then I’m going to adopt Yau-Man and make him my personal robot monkey butler. (OK, maybe not “adopt.” Maybe more like “kidnap.” But still.)

<snip>[li]Rocky might possibly be the biggest dickhead who ever lived</snip>[/li][/QUOTE]
I think you’re being far too kind there. What an insufferable jackass. And he has some serious issues with women. Maybe because he’s probably been dumped by any woman that made the huge, obviously drunken, mistake of ever going out with him? That was the ugliest TC I’ve seen in a while. It looked like Anthony was finally going to boil over, go all postal and jam the immunity idol stake down Rocky’s throat (as I was loudly praying to happen) but, alas, no. I’ll miss you, you geek. I’d take an island full of Anthony’s over Rocky’s left pinky toenail clipping any day.

His throat if he was lucky!

Yes, Lisi had her mandatory moments of stupidity and was gone. And the grownups (Cassandra and Yau Man and Earl) could talk unmolested. They didn’t show what bitchery Stacy pulled this week, but she must have done something.

That’s right, Stacy did grouse at poor exhausted starving Earl to remove his peasant’s dirty body off the nice furniture. The circa-1985 Pier One showroom must be pristine at all costs!

Where did the guy with the foreign accent come from? And who the hell is “Boo?” Have these guys been in the game all along or did they just crawl out of the jungle and think the food and couch and bed were too cool to pass up?

Rocky is to me what Boston Rob seems to be to a lot of people on here. Virtually no redeeming qualities. Rob has reasons and guile behind his obnoxious moments, Rocky just pukes jerk vomit all over everything in his path. Anthony is a nice guy and I could be friends with him, but jeez is he a doormat. Someone ought to post this episode on Youtube so the next time we get a “nice guy” thread on here we can just point to the video and everyone would see the problem. Wouldn’t they?

I think Anthony was a nice guy, but OMG, he made me hurt. He brought back painful memories of myself, during the first 25 years of my life. Kids are mean, but adults are worse when it comes to dealing with those who don’t fit in to the categories that they set.

When Rocky was spewing his venom, it wasn’t too bad because he was showing what an ass he is. But, when Jeff asked Anthony why he didn’t “speak up,” I almost cried, because there is no answer, when you’re painfully shy. You *want *to speak up, but you just can’t. Especially, if you’ve been not speaking up for decades.

I felt pretty indifferent towards Anthony previous to today’s show, but man, did I want him to pass Tribal Council! I knew for sure the team was going to vote out Rocky after he showed his ass.

Perhaps everyone is thinking that there’s no way the ass could win. Please let them be right.

The “foreign” guy is Yau-Man. He was born in Borneo. (And since the first Survivor took place in Borneo, the Circle of Burnett is thus complete.) “Boo” is really named “Kenward,” and he graduated from college with a degree in “General Studies,” which suggests to me that they fabricated this guy out of whole cloth just so they could have someone with an accent more ridiculous than Rocky’s this season. And yes, they have been here all along, although Yau-Man spent some time on Exile Island and tending the fire at Ravu while looking really adorable in his safari hat, and Boo spent a lot of time in Lisi’s shadow (literally – Lisi casts a pretty big shadow, between her big mouth and her gigantic ego, not to mention her ass).

I just had this conversation with my husband in the car on the way here. Rocky is totally Boston Rob, but without the social skills, or the charm, or the girlfriend – which basically leaves the accent and the sleaze-stache. I’m a little disappointed in Alex and Edgardo, because for as smart as they think they are, they failed to recognize both the danger in keeping a crazy person like Rocky around (like, didn’t they watch the Exile Island season? hello? Shane? who was at least funny occasionally?) and the benefit in keeping Anthony around (he will owe you, and instead of being Rocky’s “bitch,” he could be yours, you dumbasses).

WORD. This is why I liked Anthony so much. Yes, he was a bit of a milquetoast, but the fact that he was quiet and awkward doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to win or doesn’t want to fight; it just means he chooses his battles carefully. People like this make great allies, if you let them (and excellent husbands, by the by). No sense in making yourself an even bigger target, and taking on a bully gets you nothing but a fat lip anyway.

I think that there are quite a lot of people this season with significant social skill deficiencies – pretty much everybody except Earl and Yau-Man, it looks like, and maybe Cassandra and Michelle to a lesser degree, although we don’t see them interacting with anyone else enough to know about them. I think the genius of Yul last season and the previous awesomeness of (most of) Koror in Palau has spoiled me for this bunch of dilettantes.