Survivor: Palau - 5/12 - "It Could All Backfire"

… or “We All Hate Katie - Ask Us How!”

From the Yahoo! TV listings:

Alliances are further splintered as each castaway feels the pressure to make it into the Final Four; one contestant feels betrayed when the winner of the Reward Challenge chooses someone else to enjoy the reward.

Spoilerboxed, just in case. So, does this mean that Promo Monkeys are on crack, as usual, and last week’s teaser isn’t as bad as it seems? That could almost be a letdown, actually, because I think my new hobby is seething at Katie through my television. Although, she does give me plenty of reasons to seethe anyway.

Of course it goes without saying, but: Go Ian! Oh, and don’t forget that the Big Fat Finale is Sunday night!

I don’t mind Katie that much - I’d rather see Caryn go tonight. She’s done much less than Katie, in regards to work and challenges. Plus, she’s dumb. When the girls wanted to make an alliance and approached her, she seemed like she wanted to consider it, then ran straight to Tom and blabbed. What a moron!
I’m going to miss it - I’ll have to tape it and watch it later. Damn kid’s Spring Music Concert. Always on a Thursday, and always during one of the last weeks of Survivor.
And baseball practice has started up now, and that’s on Wednesdays and runs over into Lost.
Remind me again why I had kids? :wink:
(Kidding! I’m kidding!)

Oh, don’t get me wrong: either Caryn or Jenn needs to go tonight, because I don’t think either of them fits into The-Tom-And-Ian-Grand-Master-Plan. Katie is quite useful to keep around, because she is a valuable swing vote, and also because she is TOTALLY the kind of person you want to take into F2 with you if you are afraid (as Tom and Ian would be wise to be) that your Jury is going to get all Lex-The-Horse’s-Ass on you. Everybody on that Jury hates her, pretty much on principle, and I really can’t say I blame any of them, because I hate her pretty much on principle too.

But you’re right: Caryn is pretty much useless at this point, although she was very valuable to have around for the last TC, when it was time to kick ol’ Gregg to the curb. She has a terrible case of foot-in-mouth disease, and I think she sort of lacks long-term-strategizing ability.

On the other hand … Caryn doesn’t seem the type to make Ian cry, so I’m a little torn.

I don’t give a damn who wants her in the final two–if Katie makes Ian cry, she will wish she’d never been born.

Or, I’ll just make ineffectual threats from the comfort of my couch.

I think if Tom and Ian can remain in control, Jenn’s gone. Of the three women left, she’s got the best chance of winning any challenge, and she’s flown under the radar enough that you definitely don’t want her in the final two.

Well, DUH!! Part of me is almost hoping for trouble, a little bit. I’m itching for a fight – get my Vaseline!


That pox-ridden, evil-hosting, baby-eating manipulative cow!!!

Oooh … commercial’s over.

Now that’s what I call a Tribal Council!! Holy crap!!! Even Jeff looks like he doesn’t know what in the hell could happen next.

And to think, after Vanuatu, I almost didn’t watch this season. :eek:

I will now do the dance of joy in my living room.

Am I the only one who thought the “traditional Palauan boats” (or whatever they called them) looked a lot like the rafts assembled by the teams on the last episode of Amazing Race on Tuesday?

I dunno…does anyone else think Ian is possibly the biggest idiot in the history of this game to make it to the final four?

I don’t know about calling him an idiot, but Katie’s got a serious hold on him.

Okay, two thoughts:

One, it doesn’t look good for the Doper Wimmin’s Ian-Love Society. No one has EVER won the car AND the million.

Two, why can’t people figure out that having a meltdown at Tribal Council is like giving everyone’s vote compass a new magnetic north to point to? It happens at least once a season…

Ian’s not so much an idiot as an absolutely horrible liar. The boy just can’t bullshit. Every time he has to talk strategy to one of his & Tom’s pawns, he stammers and stutters and babbles and basically all but jumps up and down holding a glowing neon “I’m lying!” sign.

No, I’ll agree with idiot. Tom looked stunned when Ian picked him for reward. Bad, bad idea. The only thing that saved Ian was that Caryn was a completele moron running her mouth off, and Jenn and Katie probably couldn’t fathom spending another moment with her.


Ian, baby? I love you, I really do, but you are dumb as a bag of hammers when it comes to women. You’ve never dated a nice girl, have you? Nice girls know the difference between real life and a GODDAMN GAME SHOW. Nice girls don’t manipulate your insecurities for their own advantage. Seriously, we just don’t.

Also … why, why, whyohwhy didn’t you throw the car challenge? Sweetie, you KNOW what happens to people who win the car challenge. And it is not what we want to happen. All that drama over a dumb jerk asshole slutbag. I think you might be right: you ARE off your rocker in so many ways. If only you would have let Tom win the damn car, all of this could have been avoided.

Oh, Caryn, why did you have to make me hate you? You had such potential, but you are seriously deranged. There is a big difference between the truth and your interpretation of the truth, are you aware of that? No wonder you are a lawyer. Just thought you’d like to know that, right now, I am writing a letter to the ACLU, asking for my money back.

Damn. It’s been a great season so far, but that final tribal council is going to super-duper-suck. I don’t know if I can watch.

Oh, Ian. I still love you, but … well, maybe I can screw you smart again. I don’t know. Sigh. Still, nothing – NOTHING! – is sexier than a geek in a hot car. Seriously, there is something wrong with me.

On preview – RikWriter, I assert that the following people are, technically, dumber than Ian: Big Tom, Lill, and Eliza. But only Colby and possibly Rupert (in the All-Stars season) are as idiotic. Still love him, though, even though the boy’s got absolutely ZERO game. Some day he will make someone an absolutely wonderful husband, I think.

It just better not be Katie, or there will be hell to pay.

Point. Especially after Tom just TOLD him hours before that not to pick him to share the reward. Seriously.

Well, that was interesting.

Looking back, pretty much everyone made at least one bad move this episode. In fact, the only one who didn’t was … Jenn. She went from everybody’s number one target to being nobody’s target. Maybe Gregg was holding her back.

Ian - He’s got to quit waffling.

Tom - He’s sweating now. He bet too heavily on Caryn’s loyalty and now she’s gone.

Katie - I can see why she was worried about Ian’s loyalty. But she seems to forget she was plotting behind his back at the same time he was plotting behind hers.

Caryn - Too dumb to survive. She never seemed to be able to figure out what was going on without somebody else to point it out for her.

Katie has no way of making it to the finals with those two guys. She shoulda made he move tonight(or a long time ago).

I don’t know if I agree. Say she went with the girls, next week they vote off Tom (assuming he finally loses a challenge, which isn’t terribly likely, but let’s pretend. F3 are then Katie, Jen, and Caryn. Jen and Caryn would have to know that Katie’s got at least two votes built in for her with Tom and Ian, and they’d toss her and take their chances with one another. Katie becomes the last member of the Jury of the Damned.

Instead, she went with the guys. Because they’re loyal to her they’ll knock Jen off next, and she’s final three…

Actually, come to think of it - either way she’d have to win the last immunity challenge. Ah well, I don’t think it cost her much either way. :wink:

Actually, I think both Tom and Ian have plenty of reason to want her in the final. I would go so far as to predict that she WILL be in the final with one of them, IF she starts thinking clearly and realizes that she has to help them vote Jen off first.

I would just like to say that Jenn is really hot. I’d hate to have to pick between her and Stephenie, so I’ll just take both of them, thank you very much. :smiley: That is all.

PS God. I’m glad Caryn is gone.