Ian, baby? I love you, I really do, but you are dumb as a bag of hammers when it comes to women. You’ve never dated a nice girl, have you? Nice girls know the difference between real life and a GODDAMN GAME SHOW. Nice girls don’t manipulate your insecurities for their own advantage. Seriously, we just don’t.
Also … why, why, whyohwhy didn’t you throw the car challenge? Sweetie, you KNOW what happens to people who win the car challenge. And it is not what we want to happen. All that drama over a dumb jerk asshole slutbag. I think you might be right: you ARE off your rocker in so many ways. If only you would have let Tom win the damn car, all of this could have been avoided.
Oh, Caryn, why did you have to make me hate you? You had such potential, but you are seriously deranged. There is a big difference between the truth and your interpretation of the truth, are you aware of that? No wonder you are a lawyer. Just thought you’d like to know that, right now, I am writing a letter to the ACLU, asking for my money back.
Damn. It’s been a great season so far, but that final tribal council is going to super-duper-suck. I don’t know if I can watch.
Oh, Ian. I still love you, but … well, maybe I can screw you smart again. I don’t know. Sigh. Still, nothing – NOTHING! – is sexier than a geek in a hot car. Seriously, there is something wrong with me.
On preview – RikWriter, I assert that the following people are, technically, dumber than Ian: Big Tom, Lill, and Eliza. But only Colby and possibly Rupert (in the All-Stars season) are as idiotic. Still love him, though, even though the boy’s got absolutely ZERO game. Some day he will make someone an absolutely wonderful husband, I think.
It just better not be Katie, or there will be hell to pay.