Sushi is not a fucking lifestyle, you idiots.

You got suckered. Face it. Sushi is like the worm in the tequilla, and you’re the dumb fucking gringo that fell for it.

No, but seriously, it doesn’t taste very good. How do you eat that stuff? And why do sushi eaters seem so high and mighty about it?

Don’t you mean “dumb fucking gaijin”?

Get shot down on a Friday night, bro?

Sushi is delicious. Some preparations are more palatable than others, to be sure, but with dozens of types to choose from, you can make a very satisfying and diverse meal with it.

Lifestyle? What the hell is that supposed to be all about? Maybe I’ve just been having such a good time stuffing my face that I didn’t notice being surrounded by poseurs who buy sushi to impress girls, instead of to make their tummies happy…

The raw flesh known as Sashimi is even worse. The time you soak it in soy sauce and coat it with gobs of green battery acid (often referred to as wasabi), the sushi “chef” could literally be slicing the rubber off of bald steel belted, radial tires, serving it up on a plate and no one would be any the wiser. I’d almost swear this entire raw fish craze was some kind of East Asian joke foisted upon pretentious westerners who think they’re being chic by following the herd or heeding the advice of so-called trend-setters.

And cooked beets (or raw beets)? It doesn’t taste very good. How do you eat that stuff?

No, but seriously…

is tuna or salmon or sardines considered to be “sushi”?

cuz those taste good to me.

Hey, not everyone is a fan of octopus.

It’s hard to eat when not facing your food.

No wonder you dont get sushi; you’re in fucking Mexico. That’s like going to Japan and complaining about their terrible polish sausage.

You’ve obviously never had o-toro, tuna so good you’ll have a tonguegasm.

Sushi with fingers. Sashimi with chopsticks. Oh, and lots of wasabi!

I eat a lot of sushi and haven’t noticed such snobbery. It can be like wine and cheese in that there comes a sense of accomplishment from knowing good versus bad sushi, but I have’t seen anyone get uppity about it.

Your OP might come off better if you gave some more details. Now if you excuse me, I have a hankering for some kampachi.

I actually really do like sushi, and I’ve never done ANYTHING just to be trendy my whole life. To be honest, I prefer the kind with cooked/tempura seafood (especially shrimp and crab), but I’m starting to like the kind with raw or quickly seared meat - this came out of my fondness for carpaccio (very quickly seared, very rare beef) more than anything else. My feeling is that it’s merely another new and unusual food that deserves just as much of a shot of me trying it as does lots of other ethnic foods. Jerked goat? Hand me a slice. Conch fritters? Sure. Mofongo? Sounds great.

However, I don’t ramble incessantly about how “cool” or “hip” sushi might be to eat. I don’t try to foist it on others. I don’t expect other people to like it. I don’t eat it to impress other people. And if I’m really hungry, I’ll order something more filling every time. If there’s one thing sushi is not, it’s filling.

You know, you don’t have to use wasabi and soy sauce. In fact it’s considered bad manners depending on where you are and what you’re having. Just sayin’ is all. Ooops, did I sound like I embraced the “lifestyle” too much? My bad.

And I make a positively ripping veggie roll that my non-fish* eating friends pretty much hoover down. In fact I’ve been called to make about a dozen for my nephew’s birthday party this weekend. He’s 5 and loves 'em.

Canned tuna, OTOH, I have no idea how anyone eats that crap.

*“sushi” refers to vinegared rice and has nothing to do with the fish portion at all.

First of all, you’re not supposed to soak the meat. You can if you want, but it will bury the flavor, which should not taste of or have the texture of rubber. Even squid should not be that bad if done properly. I also dont understand why the ""s around chef. Having been a sushi chef myself in the past, I can assure you that it’s no walk in the park.

I feel bad for your sushi experiences. Having been to the birthplace of sushi, I can assure you that it’s not a cultural joke. Maybe you are going to the wrong restaurants?

You’re an idiot. Sushi is fantastic food. I don’t know what the fuck “sushi as lifestyle” means.

FWIW, I hate both wasabi AND soy sauce…and pickled ginger, for that matter. I think there was a chef that said one time, “the best way to eat a steak is with absolutely nothing on it”, and this can be true of sushi as well. The flavors are so subtle anyway that dumping lots of wasabi and soy sauce on it CAN look somewhat pretentious, in that the person seems like they’re desperately trying to look cool by consuming every blessed thing on the plate.

I’ve never tried Sushi but doesn’t it seem like a bad idea to eat something uncooked?

Eh, I won’t hold it against anyone for not liking some things. I mean, some people rave about scrapple, but damned if I can hitch myself to that. I’m not going to disparage anyone that loves scrapple though. (Just peeps that eat canned tuna. Y’all are Philistines! ;))

Intravenus, I agree with your chef friend. When I was a wee foodie I threw everything but the kitchen sink into my creations (poor Cheez_Whia ate my every offering as well - my Mom put up with an awful lot from me, not the least my atrocious cooking!) Now that I’m a little older, I appreciate the flavor that quality and freshness of ingredients imparts and choose a simpler seasoning method.

Not all sushi is uncooked - like I said upthread, “sushi” just refers to the rice. I’m sure our esteemed chef **Autolycus **can give more guidelines and whatnot, but many pieces are cooked or seared. I get a mean seared tuna from my bar that rocks nads. My first sushi was just a fried egg nigiri.

BTW, here’s the Master’s own column on the subject. Personally, I don’t think the risk outweighs the risk one takes eating at any food establishment.

Hmm. Good point. Maybe you just better order a salad.

Actually although I may have consumed the ingredients in other things, I have never once in my life eaten a salad. Sure I’ll die at 37 but damnit I won’t get worms! :stuck_out_tongue:

Me, I love the vinegared rice. The seaweed is yummy, too. It just makes me sad that they ruin it by putting all that fish all over it :wink: (Yes, I have had vegetable sushi, and loved it. And I don’t dislike all the fish kinds, either.)

But the really bad part is that in so many places “Japanese food” is now seen as synonymous with sushi. Even worse than the Italian good = pizza and pasta problem. There’s other good things, folks! I can’t remember the last time I had me some good tempura :frowning:

Ah, maybe you’re just not practicing the “lifestyle” the right way. Or maybe it’s just a conspiracy (Note: pissed in the video means drunk).

Not all of them, mind you, but … yeah, judging someone for what kind of food they like is kind of an asshole move.


Of course, not. A fucking lifestyle would probably involve a lot more references to homosexual and heterosexual topics, (although I have it on good authority that those are not lifestyles, but orientations), and a lot less emphasis on food preparation.

Indeed. And “sashimi” just means “cut into bite-size pieces.”

I learned the latter on the Pacific Island of Chuuk, where “chicken sashimi” was on the menu. :eek:

Good sushi, whether or not raw fish is involved, is sublime. I’ve been eating it since I was a poor grad student (when it was an occasional, expensive treat), through my days as a yuppie (a period best buried and forgotten), as a carefree inhabitant of a tropical island (freshest sushi I ever ate!), and as a run-of-the-mill expat mom here and there about the world. So I can vouch for the fact that sushi works with many lifestyles.