Sweet smelling kittens

Am I the only person out there to have noticed that kittens and even some puppies just smell good? I know what you’re thinking, “this guy is a little whacked.” But really, It’s like they emit a perfumy like oder from their fuzzy little coats. I normally wouldn’t post something as macho as this, but I’ve got some money riding on the answer.

They definitely smell delicious. Sort of sweet and milky. Puppies, especially, have sweet puppy breath, which somehow disappears when they grow up to be dogs. I say you win the bet.

I agree wholeheartedly. Smell better than fresh bread!

There is nothing, absolutely nothing in the world that can compare to the soft, sweet fur of a kitten.

And there is nothing like having a live cat curled up in your arms purring like an engine. My cats are my children.

::holds Manny’s hair out of his face while he retches::

I think cats smell best when they’ve been out in a field on a warm sunny day.

Well, you know, human breast milk is pretty sweet. Maybe kitty milk and doggie milk are, too. Which would explain the sweet smell.

This doesn’t sound like the kind of bet one makes drunk in a biker bar…

I think you misspelled some words and jumbled some phrases. Here, let me help.

"It has been my experience that newly-born specimens of Canis familiaris and Felis domesticus seem to have a distinctive smell to them which endears them to humans. Is it only a perception by humans, or does such a scent exist? If it does exist, is it common among pets? Among all domesticated animals? All members of the sub-class Fissipedia?

“Any empirical input the dopers may have would be appreciated.”

My cat once went around smelling like old butter for a week after licking the bottom of a chicken pan while SITTING in it…

We had a cat that left a nice smell on her fur after grooming herself with her tounge. It was kind of a mix of fresh rain and cinnamon…mmmm, fresh licked cat.
Has anyone else noticed this?

If you think kittens smell good, wait 'til you taste them.

Hey, I don’t mean if you eat them, that would be gross. I’m talking about licking them.

Well, since my cat licks my face all the time, I suppose it wouldn’t be that weird…but I don’t relish the idea of furballs.
Misty is so weird! She once was licking my face and started licking the inside of my nostrils!
Stupid cat!

Excellent empirical reduction of the OP Manhattan. You oughta get paid for this.

Am I the only one who thinks that very young puppies smell like coffee?

(Now remember everybody, try to get over the fact that you are genetically and biologically programmed to respond in a protective and nurturing fashion to creatures that have an exaggerated cranial/torso size ratio. This is why all of the cartoon characters and costumed greeters in Dizzyland have oversized heads. In addition, the Main Street buildings have architectural aspect ratios that are carefully scaled down to provide the exact same sort of stimulus. Thus enhancing your childhood flashback count-up while in the vicinity.)

Okay, here’s my logical explanation to this.

Puppies and kittens are a helluva lot cleaner than your average cat or dog. This is because fresh from the womb and pumped with the antibiotics in their mother’s milk, bacteria, which causes bad smells, has little chance to breed on them. So both their bodies and breath have a clean, sweet odor.

Then when they get old and learn how to eat shit and stuff like that, you’ll want to let go that habit of sniffing them :wink:

Zenster wrote,

I haven’t been around any young puppies recently, but I do know a youngish dog that occasionally smells like coffee. I always figured it was one of those smells I sort of hallucinated. Sometimes after my hands get hot, they will smell exactly like peanut butter. ??? (I used to think it was weird that the inside of a lambskin hat I have smelled like the Smithsonian. Eventually I figured out that the branch I was thinking of was the Natural History Museum filled with animals that were stuffed. So my hat smells like … taxidermy.)

Guinastasia wrote,

Now that was weird. I read that sentence twice in a row. Each time I thought it said, “My cats ate my children.”

A year ago a kitten (about 5 weeks old) found it’s way into our yard. I was commenting just the other day that she’s lost her “new kitten smell”.

When we first met our kitten, a few weeks before we brought him home, he smelled like a cute fuzzy ball that had been sleeping with a bunch of other cute fuzzy balls not all of whom had quite gotten the “bladder control” thing down.

Once we got him home he smelled great, on those rare occasions when he would sit still long enough for a cuddle that included burying a face in his belly.

He’s quite a character, our kitty.