Take your fucking trash with you (lame: drive-thu banking rant)

Three times in about the last two weeks when I’ve gone through the drive-through at the bank, I’ve pulled out the cannister to find somebody else’s empty cash envelope still inside it. What the fuck is up with that? What kind of a dickhole stuffs his/her trash back into the cannister? What that means is that I, an innocent victim, now has to either stuff my own shit in the cannister with somebody else’s trash to send it to the window, or I have to take their fucking trash into MY car and dispose of it later.

Well fuck you, whoever you are, dispose of your own garbage, you self-absorbed animals. What are you, too fucking good to throw away your own trash? You think the person who comes behind you is your fucking servant? Suck my dick.

Hear, hear, Diogenes!!

On a related note…Dear assface with the gum at the store I work at…next time you feel the need to get rid of the gum you are chewing, do NOT stick it onto an item that’s FOR SALE! See the nice, square object with a lid, and a garbage sack inside it? It’s called a GARBAGE CAN!! Use it! It won’t bite you, honest! I swear, a three-toed sloth with arthritis is less lazy/slow than you!


And why the fuck don’t they tell you that the Stay-Stiff Cream will short circuit the Auto Suck feature!?

Several times when I’ve been selling at outdoor festivals, I’ve had to tell little kids that I’m not a garbage collector and they should take their candy wrapper/soda can/used napkin to a garbage can. More than one little fart has looked me right in the eye as they tried to deposit their trash on my table. :mad:

Perfect thread.
I was at the pool with my kids today, and one little hellspawn (not mine) upended a Ziplock baggie full of pretzel sticks all over the pool deck. His mom looked at it and said, “Just leave it. That’s what the lifeguards are for.” And she walked away.
I was appalled.

Probably those are the same folks who leave their tissue on the seat. You have to wonder at someone who doesn’t want his delicate ass touching the public toilet seat, but thinks nothing of making the next guy deal with his shit-stained ass tissue.

At one apartment complex where I walk a dog, there is ALWAYS trash outside this one particular building. I think the asshats that live there just walk to the balcony and throw it off. Disgusting.

There are many people who enjoy visiting the countryside because of the attractive scenery and the general ambience of such locations. Very often they take a picnic hamper.

However, the onerous task of collecting up the remnants of said picnic and placing same in the hamper to take home and dispose of correctly is totally beyond some of these visitors. Their rubbish is left to mar the scenery for subsequent people wishing to picnic in the same place, the attractions of the area being accordingly diminished for them.


Is there a chance that the people who put the empty envelopes back in the sucky-tube thing think of it as recycling? Because I’ve done that, and that’s why. Re-use the envelopes. I assume the bank clerk looks at the sucky-tube-thing before sending it back.

I agree that it is recycling.

Is the TP left on the seat also “recycling,” or merely awful behavior? Because I’m merely waiting to catch some fool doing it so I can cram every square of that TP down his damned throat, and I’d hate to assault an environmentalist. Please advise.

If it’s recycling then what the hell am I supposed to with it when I get to the tube? It takes up valuable room in the cannister. Is it my responsibility to send it back to the wndow first and wait for it to come back? Do banks even really reuse those things?

There once was a beautiful park near where I grew up. It used to be a great place to spend the day, either hiking of picnicking. It had a nice gravel parking area and several trails, all leading to a scenic view of the NYC skyline. Sadly, over the past few years, it has become nothing but a ‘dog-run’ (read ‘fetid free-shit-zone’) for all those dumb beasts and their dogs to use as they please. It now has the distinctive fragrance of digested Alpo from one trail end to the other, and at an intensity that would shame a Port-o-John at Woodstock.

Of course it wouldn’t stink at all if people just picked up their own precious Rover’s ass-gifts, left strewn hither and yon. If people did that for just two months, the rain might do the rest and give the community back a beautiful park that we could all enjoy.

I won’t hold my breath though (unless I’m near there).

Um. No, it’s not. I say this as a credit union teller who got home a few hours ago from working the drive through. It’s not recycling. No one wants a nasty assed used envelope where most of the stickiness isn’t really working right and everything’s crumpled.

Take your fucking garbage with you. Don’t leave it for us. We have work to do that doesn’t include picking up trash.

I always keep a few in my car, and use them to put my deposits in on my next credit union visit. They’re particularly handy on a windy day. My credit union, by the way, doesn’t use the kind with sticky bits.

The people being described in this thread are one reason why my three year old now knows and correctly uses the word “Dumbass.”

When we see trash in the parking lot, I am now alerted with a “Look, Dah. Dummass. Look, Dah.”

My personal pet peeve is beer bottles. People drink, and they just throw them everywhere - on the beach, in the park, wherever the fuck they want. And then they break, and there’s glass all over and let me clue you in asshole beer-bottle thrower - people walk on the beach barefoot. Only they can’t anymore because of you, numbskull.

I work in a bank as well. Please don’t bother leaving the envelopes in there for recycling; we just throw them out. Potential customer info, not to mention it’s too easy for someone to say, ‘oh I left $20 in the envelope by accident…where is it now?’

Don’t get me started on cigarette butts. I’ve picked up butts and followed the co-worker back to her desk and placed it on her keyboard.

A few years ago my wife and I went to an animal sanctuary to celebrate Earth Day. It was a sunny, beautiful day. As we drove through the scenic woodland approaching our goal, we passed a sign indicating this was a portected wildlife sanctuary. Ahead of us was a large sign indicating a $1,000 fine for littering.

Passing that sign was a car whose passenger rolled down his window and threw trash out.

My wife actually chased them down.

For reasons unclear to me, they pulled over, stopped their car, and got out to confront us.

It quickly became clear that they had no idea why we were angry, no awareness that they shouldn’t randomly spew trash as they pass through the world, perhaps no higher brain function at all.

The passenger claimed not to have realized he’d tossed anything out, as if it was unconscious habit. Of course, we’d watched him roll down his window, toss out his cigarette pack wrapper, and roll the window back up.

The driver claimed not to have seen the large, clear “no littering” sign she had just passed. Of course, it’s not okay to litter even if there’s no sign, idiot.

On Earth Day. At a wildlife sanctuary. For crying out loud.
